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Morning heat beamed down onto Hoseok's sunkissed skin, causing him to suddenly yank the covers up over his head. As he tried, something suspended his attempt in getting some seriously needed nap time, that suspension being none other than Min Yoongi.

He had most of the blankets wrapped around his small frame as well as his hair all curly from the cotton pillows he'd rested on. The younger couldn't help but coo at the sight, so he slid down back into his previous position and wrapped his arms around his hyung's small waist.

He had no idea how Yoongi had got there, and he really had no problems with it either, he was just happy thathe could get some quality time with him even though things may have gone downhill yesterday.

Hoseok took advantage of this, playing with Yoongi's hands and lifting the cover slightly to get a glimpse of whatever he was wearing, and when a pink skirt cme into view his face flushed the same colour.

After a few minutes of admiration, the smaller of the two began to move, his hands balling up into tiny fists as he stretched out like a kitten, also giving a full view of his little nose scrunch and feline eyes squeezed shut. It really was adorable.

"Sleep well?" the redhead asked, looking contently at the boy next to him who quickly realised his surroundings and pulled the cover directly over himself, his face now red as a tomato.

"Shit shit shit, I'm so sorry Hobi, this won't happen again." he rushed his speech, standing up as he pulled his sweater down right over his knees to hide himself. The embarrassment really kicked in when he remembered his entire night, sneaking into Hobi's bed and even placing kisses on his face with sweet words passing his soft lips.

Though, he'd never admit it to anyone.

The younger was left confused for a few seconds, watching the door shut after his hyung who obviously regretted even cuddling up with Hoseok. He sighed, leaning over the empty and suddenly cold side of the bed to grab his phone.

He was scrolling through social medias, not really interested until one in particular sparked his attention, and gosh, he wished he'd been awake last night...

Yoongi had taken a selca, clearly with exhausted eyes, before bed. His hair was curly and messy, similar to this morning, and his eyes were red with his hand clutching a juice box. His little gummy smile was showing so widely as the video played, his took a sip, "thank you Hobi!" he cheesed.

On this post it was quite obvious he wasn't being little, just overly adorable. Something that made Hoseok's heart feel like it was about to push out of his chest.

"What are you doing to me Min Yoongi?"


"Sleeping pills?"

"Yeah," Jimin replied, stretching the back of his head before turning to his close friend, "Hoseok needs them most nights, it's a shame, really. Nobody knows why it happens but it just does" He shrugged.

Jimin and Yoongi had decided to head to the store after realising that Taehyung had fallen asleep on the couch and Hoseok was sleeping in his room. Jimin had trusted his best friend enough to know he wouldn't do some dumb shut like kiss his ex, he just wasn't like that.

Yoongi bit his inner cheek, feeling sorry that he could've possibly woke up Hoseok and caused him to stay up all night. Not fun.

In the time he was daydreaming, the pair had made it around the small convenience store in the space of fifteen minutes, Yoongi mostly just waddling behind Jimin as he slung bits and pieces into a basket.

The younger walked up to the till, hauling the basket up onto the counter as he eyed each item being scanned. A few things were on sale, so he was determined to make sure he got them for that fair price instead of being ripped off.

"Hyung, why is there uh," he lowered his voice slightly so the cashier couldn't listen in, "why is there lube?"

The older male tensed up and let out a nervous chuckle, "dunno, for the future. I don't have any intentions, but I mean it's strawberry so why the fuck not! Strawberry everything is good."

The shorter nodded in agreement, "guess so." he shrugged before sliding his card over the card reader and tugging his shopping bag with him.

"Thank you!" Yoongi grinned, chasing his friend so he'd be able to reach the car faster and see his beloved redhead friend."




man I'm exhausted. I just rushed an essay and I'm meant to be revising for my mocks but like,, I haven't got the time. I'm stressing way too much. My physics and chemistry teachers suck, like my entire class is under a pass grade and we're in one of the higher classes. But, gotta stay positive!

I hope you're all eating, drinking and sleeping well! And if not, that's okay too❤️ you tried your best today, and that's all that matters!

I love you.

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