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"What are you talking about?" The younger questioned with obvious concern in his voice as he made eye contact with the smaller boy.

He gulped, "why would you w-want someone so d-dirty and gross.." he began to tear up again, even thinking about Yugyeom touching him made him feel so disgusting and fragile. He just wanted peace with the world and his body.

The younger boy gave a concerned look whilst his eyes also suddenly looked droopy. He had no clue, not even the slightest, on what Yoongi meant, but it was clear that it was serious.

And it needed to be dealt with.

Cradling his angel, Hoseok started rocking them side to side together in a kind of soft dance whilst they hugged. To anyone looking, they probably seemed like a couple.

But Yoongi didn't care. He swayed along with the comfortable movements, his whole body interlocking with Hoseok's in the least romantic place on earth. Yet, his heart was so full of love.

The shorter of the two finally worked up the courage to explain what had happened, peeling apart from the sweet hug and just dropping his arms to his sides.

"He touches me." the boy bit his lip in fear, recalling every time this had happened, "h-he always uses me, Hobi. It's like I'm his t-toy and it hurts s-so much."

There it was again, the tears pooling in his little feline eyes whilst he thought about the situation. But before Hoseok could even ask the name of this guy, footsteps were heard.

"Yoongi hyung?" a familiar high-pitched voice spoke calmly, a hint of worry laced into his words along with his honey-tan friend who trailed behind him.

Jungkook was being ever so cautious around Yoongi nowadays, not wanting to hurt him anymore than he has been.

To tell the truth, Jungkook knew about Yugyeom and what he was doing...he knew it was wrong but he never told the man to stop. It was his sisters boyfriend after all, and plenty of threats were made against the bunny boy if he even dared to speak one word about it.

It was his own fault though, he should've told his sister the first time it happened, but now, he was just a helping hand in the matter. Always telling pieces of information to his old friend, in exchange for something new...


"He hasn't talked for three fucking hours, what did you say to him?" the redhead asked, furious at Jimin for making his precious kitten so sad.

It just had to be Jimin, he must've said something, there was no doubt about it.

As soon as Hobi had let Jimin speak to his close friend alone, Yoongi hadn't spoken since, and it was a heartache to everyone around him.

Hoseok missed his deep, sincere and melodic speech so much that he wished he'd recorded it. He needed it as much as Yoongi needed to hear him.

But now, the mint haired boy wouldn't even open his bedroom door, not once replying to the other outside apart from sliding notes under the door to assure his friends he was 'completely fine' because 'big Yoongi can handle it."

"I didn't say anything, asshole." Jimin snapped, rolling his eyes at his childish hyung before crossing his arms with sass.

Although they were all worried for the small, isolated boy, Jimin still managed to be a little dick when it wasn't necessary.

The three boys spent another twenty minutes knocking on the door or trying to speak to him in any way possible, but without hearing yoongi's voice, they would not risk leaving him trapped by himself.

"Jungkookie, warn him first..." Jimin pleaded, little sparkles of guilt in his eyes as he held onto his friend's wrist delicately.

The younger simply nodded, snatching his arm away in irritation. It was all his fault that Yoongi was in this mess, but at the same time, he didn't want to fix it.

"Listen up, shorty," Jungkook raised his voice slightly as he leaned against the door, "I'm coming in, whether I have to break this door or not, so move if you're near it."

The muscular boy then counted down from ten, quite loudly and sternly to say the least, before running at the door full speed and immediately it swung open, hitting the wall with full force.

The loud noise caused the red-faced Yoongi in the corner to jump whilst he wiped his cheeks with the back of his sweater paws.

It was obvious that he'd been crying this whole time, but nobody had the heart to point it out.

"You had us all worried sick." Jimin pouted, taking his only just taller friend into a soft hug before pulling away and ruffling his hair.

"We'll leave you to it..." Jimin smiled sympathetically to Hoseok, patting his shoulder and whispering a 'let's go' to Jungkook before dragging him out of the room.

The also attempted to close the door, but it only just managed to shut, still leaving a light from the hallway to flow through a small crack.

"It's okay, baby, I've got you." Hoseok assured, lifting Yoongi up as he did grabby hands and carrying him over to the bed. He sat the tiny boy on his bed before grabbing his stuffies from their mini tea party in the middle of the room and also wrapping him up in blankets.

Yoongi was extremely cosy, but still not warm enough. He wanted Hoseok's touch, he wanted to feel the warmth radiate off him and hold his hands, whispering 'I love you' into his ear over and over before giggling like a school girl seeing her crush.

"Hobi, stay p-please." He whispered, a lisp slightly evident in his last word before the younger boy scooted towards him.

"I'm not going anywh-" he started, until a phone call cut him off mid sentence.

Kim fucking Taehyung.


heyo shameless self promo for my insta so pls go flllow my account @/g6oth Oki thanks

hmm extremely poorly written chapter because I wrote it in twenty minutes at 3am but I didn't want yall to be without content so I literally forced myself into it anyway goodnight hope my angels are doing well

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