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It was frantic to say the least. There was so much panic flooding into Hoseok's brain that he couldn't breathe properly. His mind wouldn't adjust to the situation, he couldn't even bare to think of what had happened.

All he knew was that Yoongi was uncomfortable and panicking, and that didn't settle well with him one bit.

He promised himself whoever had hurt the boy would pay, and he meant it.

After a ten minute drive to Yoongi's school, Jungkook pulled up, the redhead practically jumping out of the car before it stopped until he felt a grip on his arm.

"Be careful, he's sensitive." Jimin said quietly, smiling sadly to his roommate before releasing him and allowing him to leave.

The older nodded, grabbing Jimin's hand and whispering a quick thank you before heading off.

Eventually, his pace picked up as he actually realised what was going on. He was really going to see Yoongi this vulnerable, this upset. He didn't even know if the boy would want to see him, but he was prepared to risk everything to make sure he was okay. Even if that meant doing some bad things too...

After what felt like an eternity, he jogged into the main office, panting dramatically before ringing a bell.

A pretty woman just shorter than him with long brown hair opened the small window, showing a gorgeous and welcoming smile.

"How can I help?" the girl asked, her name tag glinting in the light that read 'Jennie Kim, Secretary'. He forgot why he was here for a second before pinching the bridge of his nose in stress.

"Min Yoongi. I need to see Min Yoongi." he said firmly yet timidly, his voice cracking as he held back his worried sobs and shouts for the boy he cared so dearly about.

"Sir, I can't just let you in. Can I see an ID?" Jennie questioned, frustrating the male to the point where he thought smoke would come from his nose.

"I'm sorry, I don't have time for this. Take my fucking wallet if you need to, but I'm going in." He sighed, throwing a card with all her personal information through the sliding window and storming through the school's front doors.

The corridors were eerily empty, but it's what you would expect for a typical school where teenagers would be attending lessons (apart from the few which would skip).

Whilst he scanned around for a toilet, he came across a taller boy with thick lips and large eyes, making him look particularly handsome.

"E-excuse me," Hoseok panted, "where's the boy's toilets?"

"Down the corridor and to the right. Hey, I haven't seen you before..." the boy put his finger to his chin with thought, carefully scanning the shorter male in front of him, "what's your name?"

"Uhh...Hoseok. I'm sorry but I really have to go, it's kind of an emergency. Thanks anyways."

And with that, he ran off in the given directions, finally reaching the door and rushing inside.

"Yoongi?" He called out quietly, not getting a reply the first time. On the second attempt, he heard small whimpers and sobbing coming from a singular cubicle at the end of the row.

He knocked so gently that it probably couldn't even be heard, but there was an almost inaudible reply nonetheless.

"H-Hobi...please help m-me." the small boy cried, opening the door to reveal his thin frame.

The scene broke Hoseok's heart, seeing this adorable boy with stained, flushed cheeks, messy hair, a raw red lip from biting too much and the scratches all down his leg.

"You're safe now, baby, I'm here." he promised, collecting the younger into his arms and giving him a comforting hug.

Yoongi felt at peace, snuggling his face into the crook of the redhead's neck and taking in the scent of his cologne. He found comfort in everything about this male, even the way his eyes glistened with sadness when the door opened.

They stayed like that for a while, Hoseok rubbing his hand in soothing motions around Yoongi's back and whispering sweet words.

A comfortable silence consumed them until the small boy calmed down his hiccuping and broken sobs to ask a simple question.

"D-do you still want me to live with you?"


happy (late) pride month♥️🏳️‍🌈I think this book deserves more fluff so I'll try and make new chapters a bit more...fluffy? Idk man

I decided imma do shorter chapters but like...more updates in a week if that makes sense. So pretty much the same amount of stuff, just evenly spread out.

I also wanna be more interactive with you guys so... if you have any questions for me (author), any characters in the book, or the storyline, please leave them here! :)

I'm not expecting people to leave questions but it'd be appreciated so I can know how my readers are thinking!

au revoir

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