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Prepare for some SLIGHT smut *insert Lenny face*

Prepare for some SLIGHT smut *insert Lenny face*

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"Just let me get that, baby." Hoseok sighed, stepping away from the small, crying boy and fishing his phone from his pocket.

Desperately, he clicked the green accept button and brought the device to his ear. "What do you want?" He asked, clearly annoyed as he was staring at a crying Min Yoongi whilst on the phone to the most annoying shit head in history.

Yoongi, who was still sat in the corner with his chin resting on his knees, looked down at the floor, shuffling his feet slightly before making a grand decision.

Silently, he steadied his breathing before raising himself from his seated position and standing up straight. He followed by waddling over to his tall friend and grabbing onto his right forearm, practically hanging off of it.

The boy held on as tightly as possible, then linking his left hand with Hoseok's spare one. He began to trace patterns of animals on the back of Hobi's hand with his thumb, whilst also hanging on for dear life.

After a while of hearing the redhead's angry curses, Yoongi spoke, his voice hoarse and dry from crying all the time, "Hobi! I want Hobi!"

It caught Hoseok's attention, who immediately turned his head and looked down at the dangling kitten. He mouthed a 'what do you mean' whilst not really paying attention to Taehyung on the other line.

Yoongi found this game pretty fun, he could tease Hoseok however he pleased, especially now he slipped out of little space whilst hanging onto his "caregiver's" arm. But of course, he wouldn't let the younger man know that.


wow, that was brave.

Or so he felt. He felt too brave, he didn't even know himself what he meant, but he was curious on Hoseok's interpretations of it.

Honestly, he wanted to know where he stood with him. Sure, they'd only known each other but a little bit, but that doesn't mean that Yoongi would sometimes get sinful thoughts.

Even if it did make him feel naughty.

"T-Tae I'll call you back later." He finalised, ending the call and throwing the electronic across the room before turning fully to face the shorter male.

"Baby, what is it? Do you want cuddle? Or a drink? Food? What's up?" he started frantically questioning, making Yoongi silently coo. He never really knew how Hoseok acted when he was a caregiver, because Yoongi didn't take notice of it when he felt small. He simply cared mostly about himself.

"Want you..." he mumbled, faking his voice a little so it was more high-pitched as he reached down and rugged on Hoseok's belt.

The redhead instantly snapped his eyes at Yoongi's, desire controlling him whilst his gaze flicked between the small boy's eyes a lips.

It was so long awaited, the tension and heat rising whilst goosebumps made their way up Hoseok's back, the room suddenly feeling hot.

Yoongi wasn't as worked up, still fumbling around lazily with the belt as he now leaned forward, into whatever it might be.

Hoseok only blinked, unable to justify whether the situation was real or not, until he felt Yoongi's soft lips on his own, instantly synchronising with rhythm.

They stayed softly dancing together for a while, Hobi's hands now sneaking around Yoongi's torso as he kept a very firm grip on the boy's waist.

Their lips connected perfectly, as if they were carved by god only to be touched by each other. Both of their heads spinning at the intimate gesture, until Yoongi decided to heat it up.

His hands finally managed to unbuckle the belt, now disconnecting their lips, both boy's lips being red and swollen from the biting and sucking.

The mint haired boy slowly bent down onto his knees, teasingly batting his eyelashes with innocence, even though the both of them knew this was nothing innocent at all.

But, just as he was about to do anything, he looked up at Hoseok with a smirk,

"maybe next time, daddy."


uhhhh so I didn't know if yall wanted smut or not because like this is mainly a fluff book and I don't wanna disappoint my readers but if u guys want it let me know.

anyways, this will be my last update for the next week or so as I have exams within the next 3 weeks and I seriously need to get into revision.

Also, sorry for the poorly written chapter once again, stress from school is KILLING me and I just need to recollect myself before I write anymore❤️

I love you.

Caregiver Trial | SOPE/YOONSEOKWhere stories live. Discover now