chapter three

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When I woke up the following morning, the place was completely silent. I even showered and got dressed but still heard nothing. I assumed no one was home until I saw Aries sitting in the kitchen, propped up on the bar stool and eating what seemed to look like cereal. I froze almost immediately. I was wearing a large t-shirt and sleeping shorts considering I didn't have to go out until later. But I felt naked especially when he looked up at me. I knew I was going to be taking a long, cold shower shortly after.

"Good morning," I said, making my way further into the kitchen. I began to open the packet of oatmeal that I had bought once I reached the counter.

"Morning," he responded. "Sleep well?"

"Mhm," I hummed, giving him my back. It felt safer when we weren't making direct eye contact, even if I did feel a little rude.

"Sorry we weren't here yesterday. Business."

"I get it," I shrugged.

"Did you get settled in well last night?"

My mind immediately went to the sex that I had with Mateo. I swallowed. I did picture fucking Aries, so I definitely couldn't look at him now. I just tried to focus on what I was doing.

"Oh, yeah," I laughed a little to try and ease myself. "My friends helped me."

I heard footsteps from the side as they walked toward the kitchen. Oh, great. I was already feeling too much with Aries in the room, and now Silas was coming in too. I nearly groaned in frustration. God really had it out for me.

Silas brushed past me, going to the refrigerator on the other side of me. I felt him pause behind me, causing me to stiffen. The warmth of his body radiated onto mine.

"What are you making?" He asked lowly in my ear.

I breathed sharply through my nose, taking a step back unknowingly. It felt like magnetic force bringing us closer together. With the movement, I could feel him digging into my lower back. My knees started to buckle. Oh, God.

"Oatmeal," I managed to get out.

"Hm," he hummed, taking a step back. I nearly whimpered at the loss of contact. "I've never really been a fan."

It hadn't even been a full day in this apartment, and I was ready to spread my legs for Silas. The feeling of his dick digging into my lower back sent waves down to my pussy. I was definitely going to have to clean up and change my panties after this.

If these two men weren't going to kill me, my sex drive definitely was.

When I finished making my oatmeal, Aries stood up out of his seat. I thought he was coming toward me for a split second before he went around me and put his dish in the sink. I tried to stomach as much breakfast that I could with butterflies in my stomach.

I retreated to my room when I was done with breakfast. Once it was almost time for my shift, I changed out of my underwear and left my apartment shortly after. I walked the few blocks to my job before I slipped inside.

I immediately made eye contact with Jasmine. Her lips curved upward into a gentle smile. She was stunning to the point where I didn't know whether I wanted her or wanted to be her. Her blue eyes were focused on me as I walked closer to her.

"Hey," she grinned. "You're right on time. Ready for your first day?"

"Kinda," I smiled sheepishly.

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