chapter twenty six

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"Aries, you said if I let you eat me out on the car ride to my mom's that you would behave," I told him sharply.

He raised his head from between my thighs, a slight frown on his face. "I said if you let me eat your pussy on the car ride to your mom's that I'll think about behaving."

"Okay, we're here. So you need to behave," I mumbled.. "And Rafael nicely asked us not to mess up his car so stop pouting."

"But I love your pussy," he whined. "You taste so good."

"You've made her cum twice, Aries. Give her a break," Silas came to my defense, turning back in his seat to look at us.

Aries sat up, pulling up my panties. "Fine." He pecked my lips. "I'll be good tonight. I promise."

"Maybe I'll try to believe you," I said with a tiny smile.

"You believe me, don't you, Silas?" Aries asked. Silas said nothing, our eyes meeting. Aries scoffed. "So you're against me too? Fuck you both."

"We trust you," I patted his thigh comfortingly. "Let's just go inside."

We walked up to the front door of the home that I grew up in. Aries and Silas walked on either side on me, oddly making me feel protected even though I wasn't in any immediate danger. I just tried to ignore it and rang the doorbell.

"Are you going to show us your room?" Aries asked, leaning down to my ear. "I think we would love to see your childhood bedroom."

I turned to him, raising an eyebrow as he gave me an innocent look. "And why would you love to see my childhood bedroom?"

"It's harmless," Silas said.

"I believe your reasoning is harmless but surely not his," I muttered.

Aries scoffed. "You think so lowly of me and highly of him."

"I do not," I argued, crossing my arms over my chest.

"It's fine, Aries. I'm just nicer," Silas said, his tone teasing. I bit down on my inner cheek to stop myself from laughing.

Aries nearly turned red, "I can be just as nice as you."

Silas snorted. "Can you?"

"I'm going to make her mom love me," Aries said. "She already wants to fuck me. I think I've got this in the bag."

"Aries," I hissed, turning back to him.

"Yes, Natalia?" He asked innocently.

"Just shut up. Both of you," I said sharply.

As the front door began to unlock, I heard Aries murmur a small, "I'll shut you up with my cock later."

"Mom," I beamed, immediately wrapping my arms around her. I hadn't seen her in a while and quite honestly I had missed her. When we lived together, it was much more difficult to maintain a good relationship because we pushed each other's buttons even when we didn't intent to. Distance was good.

"Sorry I took so long," she apologized as we pulled away, looking me over. "I was trying to finish dinner but it's not quite ready yet."

"It's fine," I said. I saw her eyes sweeping between all three of us and I cleared my throat nervously. I had somehow forgot to concoct a lie that made sense before we arrived. But I knew she was waiting for an explanation of the other roommate that I 'forgot' to mention. "This is my roommate, Aries, as you already know and his...boyfriend, Silas." Both of their heads snapped toward me as I lied to save my ass. I pretended not to notice but my mom raised an eyebrow. "They don't really like talking about it. Sorry. I should've asked you guys before I told my mom..."

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