chapter twelve

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"Stay out of it," Aries told me firmly. It was almost as though he were anticipating my next move. Almost as though he could see I wasn't going to leave it alone. He didn't know me that well, yet it seemed that he could see right through me.

I pursed my lips. I wasn't going to listen to him. He had no authority or control over me-besides being able to legally kick me out. I just nodded, giving him a gentle smile. He eyed me suspiciously.

"If I catch you in Silas' room-" He threatened.

I cut him off, mock horror on my face and sarcasm in my voice. "What will you do?"

He lowered his face a little down to mine, tilting my chin upward. "I will fuck you in front of Silas while he watches."

My eyes widened a little in shock, unable to stop myself from clenching my thighs. I saw something flash in his eyes as he looked over my face then down to my body language. He could tell that for me, that wasn't a threat. It wouldn't be a punishment. It would be a reward. I had never had sex in front of someone else before. And definitely not when someone else watched for that matter. The thought never even crossed my mind-until now.

I took a step back from him. "Don't you have guests to entertain?"

His eyes flickered back to the other people in the room who were all engaged in conversation yet sending us sly glances. His hand fell back to his side before he turned around, walking back over to the many people. I could've stayed around, but I decided to go after Silas. I nearly sighed. What a waste of a cute outfit.

I found myself outside of Silas' room, just standing there stupidly. I raised my fist to knock but brought it back down to my side. Maybe Aries was right. I should've just left it alone. But I was a very curious soul.

I knocked on the door but got no response. I put my ear to the door but heard nothing from the inside. I let out a sigh, hesitating. If I pushed open the door, that would be a complete invasion of his privacy. So I decided to retreat to my room, maybe make plans with another one of my friends or something, but my plans were quickly thwarted.

As soon as I pushed open my room door, I froze. Silas was standing in my room, looking at the plethora of photos scattered on my wall. I had pictures of my friends, myself, and family hanging for decoration. As I walked closer, I noticed the picture he had in his hands-one of me, Lila, and Rafael. He hung it back on the wall.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked.

He glanced away from the pictures. "I don't know."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "You don't know?"

"I don't," is all he said. I let out a quiet breath. Why did I even think that I could get answers out of him? He barely spoke. "I was going to go to my room, but I ended up in here somehow. You seem really happy in these pictures."

I just nodded. "Those pictures were taken at really happy moments in my life."

"Are you still this happy?" He asked. I suddenly felt a lump in my throat, my face burning.

"Yes, I'd like to think so. Why do you ask?"

"No reason."

I sighed. "You're never going to give me much are you?" He just looked at me so I continued. "You're so hard to read. Do you ever smile?"


I snorted. "Not even when you're happy?"


I rolled my eyes. "Can you say something other than no?"


"Fuck, are you frustrating," I muttered under my breath. I crossed my arms, watching him continue to observe the pictures. I couldn't understand what he found so fascinating about them, but he couldn't look away. "Are you going to tell me what happened back there?"

"No," he responded. I sent him a glare. "Natalia," he added as if saying my name made the response any less bland.

"Look," I started. "I'm sorry that I brought your ex here. If I knew you two dated, I wouldn't have brought her."

He looked over at me, amusement in his eyes but no smile. "Jasmine is not my ex."

I eyed him suspiciously. "Are you lying?"

He shook his head. "Why do you assume we dated?"

I felt myself heat up. I saw his eyes on my blushed cheeks. I couldn't sworn I saw his lips twitch, but it could've been in my head. "I don't know. The way you were talking...I thought that you two had dated."

"Jasmine's my sister."

"Oh," I murmured. "I would've never guessed." They didn't even look alike.

"No one ever does."

"So, what happened between you two?" I asked. He shrugged as though that were an answer. I took a step closer to him, pressing my hand against his arm comfortingly. He eyed my hand on his arm as though it were some strange specimen. "You can tell me?"

"Jasmine ran away from home," he began. "I haven't seen her in so long. I looked practically everywhere for her, and I couldn't find her. I don't think she realized all the trouble she caused when she left. And he found her. And he didn't tell me."


"Her father," he muttered. He clenched his jaw, the most emotion I had seen from him since we met. The anger was seeping out of every pore in his body. "He lied to me."

I frowned. "I'm sorry, Silas."

He turned away, looking back at the pictures. "You have a nice smile." He brushed me off.

I was thrown off by his sudden compliment. I began to blush before I could stop myself. I cleared my throat, tucking my hair behind my ears. The last person that I would have expected to tell me that I had a nice smile was Silas.

"Thank you," I mumbled, giving him a soft smile.

He cupped my cheek causing me to let out a small gasp. I nuzzled my face into his hand almost instinctively. His eyes roamed over my face, leaning down. He kissed me softly, our lips caressing the other. I took a step closer as he tugged me closer. He pulled away, shoving me up against the wall suddenly. A small gasp left my mouth as I glanced up at him in surprise.

His eyes moved down my body. The dress nuzzled my breasts, revealing just the right amount of cleavage. It hugged me, wrapping around my curves perfectly. His gaze nearly made me uncomfortable just by how serious he seemed.

"What are you thinking?" I whispered nervously.

He temporarily looked back up. "I'm thinking a lot of things." I felt his hand begin to trail up my thigh and under my dress. "There's so many things that I want to do to you."


"I want to fuck you loud enough for everyone in the living room to hear," he stated, taking a step closer. My breathing hitched, getting caught in my throat. Both my mind and body screamed yes. I couldn't contain my desire. "I'm going to make you scream over the music."

I released a breath, feeling his words in my stomach. I shuddered, feeling him tighten his grip on me. The thong that I was wearing was ripped off in a second. I gasped in annoyance and shock, glaring at him.

"I need to fuck you," he muttered. He pushed two fingers inside of me suddenly causing me to moan. I whimpered as he slipped his fingers out of me suddenly. "Bed."


"Get on the bed."

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