chapter thirty three

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After a long shower, I went to face Mateo. I hadn't spoken to Mateo much since the day I confessed that I had been sleeping with Silas and Aries drunk in the middle of Lila and Rafael's apartment. I was kind of extremely embarrassed. I could admit that without any sort of hesitation. But I wasn't sure how he stomached the situation because I avoided him for weeks like a child. And I also wasn't sure how I felt about him casually being in the other room while I fucked someone else-unbeknownst to me, sure. But it still happened nonetheless.

What the fuck had my life become?

I stopped in my tracks, pausing at the doorframe of the living room. Mateo was talking to Jasmine, who was trying her best to make him feel comfortable with her usual warm and friendly smile. And all while she was trying to make him feel at home, Aries and Silas sat on the other couch, eyes moving from Mateo to me almost simultaneously.

"Hey, Teo," I said, catching his attention. He stopped mid sentence and looked up, his eyes brightening immediately. I felt a warm smile raise on my face. He walked right over to me, oblivious of the two men on the couch sending him daggers.

"Nat, I haven't seen you in years!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me and hoisting me off the ground. I squealed in shock, my stomach dipping as my feet no longer had a solid surface under them.

"It's been," I managed to get out as he squeezed me in a bone crushing hug, "a few weeks."

"A few weeks too long," he responded, setting me back down. I still managed to smile once more, enjoying his presence. "I usually never go this long without seeing you unless I'm at school."

"Yeah, I know," I mumbled, frowning a little. Feeling the burning gazed of the two other men on me was nearly making me uncomfortable. But I still felt bad for purposely not seeing my best friend for a couple of weeks. "Why don't we go to my room and talk there?"

"Actually-" I heard Aries', despite him promising that he would be good, deep voice cutting through uninvited.

"Aries," Jasmine nearly growled at him. His eyes snapped to hers, an annoyed look shared between them as they looked at one another.

"Yes, Jasmine?" He asked, a slow forced smile making its way on his face.

"He doesn't like me," Mateo suddenly said. Aries looked at me again. "I got that from Lila's apartment. And him too," he gestured to Silas.

"That's not true," I said, chewing on my inner cheek. I felt bad for lying, but I wanted to keep the peace. "They're just not very friendly. Don't take it too personally."

"Is it personal?" Mateo asked, raising an eyebrow. Neither of them responded, only staring at him with no answer. His eyes went back to me. "Tough crowd. You'd think they wanted me to drop dead."

"Can you?" I heard from Silas, low and sly.

I glared at him, watching as Aries tried to hide his smirk. Were they joking? I gritted my teeth. Silas' face was straight, almost as if he didn't say a word. But unlike Aries and myself, Mateo didn't seem to hear Silas' sneaky remark. Thankfully.

"They don't," I reassured him. "Let's go to my room."

"I heard you getting fucked hardcore," he blurted out. I froze in shock before I began to blush furiously. What the fuck? "Which one was it?"

"Mateo, what is wrong with you?" I managed to get out through my blush, trying to play stupid.

"Which one?" He asked again, his eyes moving between Silas and Aries as he thought out loud. "If I was going for your type, I'd say it was him," he pointed at Silas. "But if I was going for my type, I'd say him." He jerked his chin toward Aries, crossing his arms over his chest.

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