chapter five

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I went to work the next day, the apartment vacant and silent. I preferred it that way. I couldn't take back what happened between Silas and I and I didn't want to. But if I could've avoided seeing him for a couple of hours, I was going to take it. I wasn't even sure how to bring it up to Aimi, that I so easily let this man get into my pants. I knew she wouldn't judge me, but I was still hesitant.

I nibbled on my bottom lip, already feeling distracted from my new job. I knew that I had to do well and stay on my toes, but my mind kept wandering back to him. I shook my head in an attempt to clear the thoughts, but they taunted me. The more I thought about it, the more I felt desire crawling up my spine, desperate for him to touch me again.

I sighed, licking my lips as I thought about my lips wrapping around his cock. I clenched my thighs as I swept up a mess that one of the previous customers had left on the floor without any regard. Just as I was finishing up, I saw someone lean down in front of me, picking up the dustpan. I gulped, my eyes zeroing in on the prominent cleavage. Jasmine stood up straighter in what seemed like slow motion, her dark thick hair falling down her shoulders and back. I held my breath as her bright blue eyes met mine, a small smile playing on her lips. I felt stiff but sent her back an uneasy smile.

"The customers here can be real assholes, can't they?" She asked, tilting her head to the side slightly before she turned around, going to throw the mess in the trash. I watched her hips sway softly with each step she took.

"Yeah," I breathed once she was out of earshot. My whole body was on fire. I couldn't help the vulnerable feeling inside of me that everyone was watching me. I felt like a dog in heat. My eyes moved around the bar, but no one seemed to be paying any attention to me.

I rushed to the closet in the back filled with cleaning supplies. I shut the door behind me, placing my back against the wall and taking a deep breath. Was I losing my mind?

I pushed my hair out of my face, holding a hand to my chest. Just as I took a deep breath, about to exit, the door pulled open. I looked up, my eyes widening immediately at the man in the doorway. The silhouette of a large, tall man stood in front of me. I couldn't get a good view of his face considering how dimly lit the closet was.

I began to back away, my back hitting the wall. I heard him chuckle smoothly. I couldn't see his face and I still wanted to fuck this man. Natalia, you're officially losing it.

"Why are you hiding in the closet?" The man asked, his deep voice sending an immediate shiver down my spine. I was beginning to sweat, finding my simple uniform of t-shirt and jeans suffocating. I began to fan my face, taking in uneasy breaths.

"No reason," I murmured. It struck me that I should've been trying to leave, not ogle at him. "Excuse me."

I began to walk closer to him and the closer I got, the better I could see his face. I took in a sharp breath. He had dark hair, almost black, a nice groomed goatee and dark brown eyes. His eyes almost seemed black, especially in the lighting. His hair was curly and short-He was definitely a sight for sore eyes. Well, fuck me.

"My apologies," he said, sounding genuine. He backed up, exiting the closet. I set the broom down, following after him. "You must be the new employee?"

I pursed my lips, my eyes roaming down his body. He was wearing a dark black tailored suit, a very expensive looking watch on his arm. He was probably someone important to be dressed like this at a bar. I just nodded, trying to ignore that my entire body was exceeding normal temperature.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Samael," he stuck his hand out. "I'm the owner."

I stared at his hand that was outstretched toward me. I was hesitant to take it. I felt as though any contact would literally cause me to explode. My eyes snapped back up to his once he started retracting his hand.

"I'm sorry," I rambled. "I just don't like touching..." I trailed off dumbly.

His lips twitched. "Name?"

"Natalia," I mumbled.

He nodded, his eyes moving down my body slowly. "It was nice to meet you. I hope to see you around." He took a step closer, the burning increasing. "My office door is always shut, but for you it's open."

He walked away without another word. I couldn't understand why I felt as though I were on Molly. I knew I had a few options. I could've went to see Mateo or to Lila's apartment that she shared with Rafael. Lila couldn't do anything for me but Mateo could. I just knew that I couldn't go home.

I quickly slipped my phone out of my pocket, dialing Mateo's number. It rang quite a bit before he finally answered. I let out a sigh in relief.

"Hey, what's up?" Mateo asked. "Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"I need you to fuck me. Preferably now. Are you free?"

He sounded as though he choked. I heard shuffling on the other end. "Nat? Are you okay?"

"Yes," I said firmly. I was resisting the urge to touch between my thighs. "I just need you right now."

"Blink twice if you're being held at gun point."

"Teo!" I growled. "Stop fucking around. Can you fuck me now or not?"

"I kind of have another pussy appointment tonight-"

"Can I join?"

"Nat," the shock was evident in his voice. "Are you serious?"

"Does it seem like I'm joking?"

"I don't know...that's why I asked? Look, I can always cancel for you-"

"Good, I'll be over in twenty."

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