chapter thirty

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"Here you go," Jasmine said, placing two bowls of freshly made soup on the counter in front of us. She slipped into the seat next to me, digging right in immediately.

"Thank you," I told her softly, my lips curving upward into a half smile. "I really appreciate everything you've done for me. You're so sweet."

It was the God's honest truth. As I moped around, she still talked to me and tried to cheer me up. I wasn't in the best mood by any means, but her kind attitude made me feel the slightest bit better. She didn't have to stay yet she still cared enough about me to do so. I was certain she would've stayed even if Silas didn't ask her to.

She smiled, shaking me off modestly. "Don't thank me. How are you feeling?"

It had maybe been about two hours since Silas had left the apartment. Neither him nor Aries came back. It wasn't that I feared that they wouldn't come home, I knew they would. I just feared things would be different after they came home. And as I worried about that, I worried about whenever I would see Samael again. I didn't want him to know that I feared him. But I was scared.

I refused to quit my job. I couldn't let my life stop because of what happened. Could I? But was acting stronger than I was a stupid idea? I just wanted to speak to Lila and Aimi about everything but I couldn't. I didn't want Lila to worry about me. Aimi didn't know that Samael was Lucifer, my roommates and Rafael were demons, and I was a nephilim. And I wasn't exactly sure how she'd react to the news either.

But they were my best friends. And as much as I could logically understand why I couldn't tell Aimi, I felt as though I had no reason to not tell Lila. For all I knew, Silas and Aries could tell Rafael. Or worse, Lucifer could tell Rafael himself. What would be my excuse then?

"I'm okay," I managed to let out, biting down on my inner cheek.

"No lying," she sent me a pointed look. "Don't tell me what you think I want to hear. I want you to be honest."

I let out a small breath. "I'm thinking about a lot of different things. My friends. Lucifer. Myself." I looked down, chewing on my inner cheek nervously. I was shit at talking about my feelings. "And...Aries and Silas."

She nodded in understanding. "I've never seen either of them like this with anyone," she said. "Silas and Aries have always been really close so I always saw Aries more like a brother than a friend, you know? I just never thought that they'd be involved with the same girl though," she admitted through a laugh.

I smiled. I certainly never saw the situation in my future. I assumed that I would've at some point in my lifetime settle down into a monogamous lifestyle. But life threw me a big ass sike after I met them. "Me neither."

"It's cute though. You all seem very happy and comfortable in the situation you have. You don't see that often in the human world."

I felt my heart sink a little, feeling my stomach beginning to burn again in anxiety. "Yeah."

She frowned as her eyes scanned over my face. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to make you upset. It's just romance isn't something big in the world of incubi and succubi."

"Um," I mumbled. "It's not really romance. We're just..." I trailed off, wondering if I should say it or not, "having sex."

She scoffed, letting out a snort. "Natalia."

"What?" I asked, watching as she continued to give me the same look. I quickly dropped the charade. "Fine. I've noticed that it's more than just sex for a while now..." I trailed off before my curiosity got the best of me. "Are you dating with anybody?"

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