chapter ten

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"Do you think they're home?" Aimi asked as we stepped out of the elevator and onto my floor.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

I tried to answer as nonchalantly as possible. As though I didn't have butterflies in my stomach when I thought of seeing Aries again-Silas even. I had just fucked Aries a couple of hours ago. I had never fucked someone that I was living with and that could literally kick me out of their apartment whenever they wanted to. It was inappropriate, I knew it was. But I still did. I bit my inner cheek nervously. Maybe having sex with him wasn't the smartest thing to do. But, fuck, that was arguably the best sex I have had in my life.

I unlocked the door, pushing it open. I walked in, and she trailed behind me. I sighed, carrying the shopping bags. She helped carry the groceries I had bought, and I carried the new articles of clothing.

"Can you start putting them away? I'm going to drop this off in my room and I'll be right back," I told her.

She nodded, walking toward the kitchen. I walked down the hallway to my room. Since the apartment was quiet, I was assuming no one else was home. I could hear the faint sound of Aimi opening the refrigerator and placing items inside. I dropped the clothes off on my bed, having no desire to find a place for them in the moment. I decided that I would put them away later.

I sat on the edge of my bed, slipping my shoes off and going to set them in the corner. Just as I stood up, I heard a loud smash from somewhere in the apartment. I rushed out of my room, searching for the cause of the noise-and I found it. I saw my brunette best friend standing with a smashed pickle jar at her feet, her mouth in an open 'o'. I glanced further to see what she was staring at only to see blonde hair. My eyes narrowed, walking into the room further and getting a better view of Silas.

"What happened?" I asked in confusion.

"I accidentally scared her," Silas said, breaking his gaze from her to look at me. He began to check me out, not even caring about the smashed glass, or Aimi standing in the kitchen, watching us intently.

I just nodded my head, trying to pretend as though I weren't affected by his heavy gaze. "Silas this is my friend Aimi, and Aimi this is Silas."

He looked back at her. She offered him a smile which he didn't return. I hadn't seen him smile since I met him, and I found it borderline alarming. There had to be something that made him emote besides fingering me. And even then, he barely did.

"It's nice to meet you," she said.

"Likewise," he nodded.

"Where's Aries?" I asked.

He turned to me again. When our gaze met, I suddenly recalled something. Silas had been in the apartment when Aries and I were having sex. There was no way that he didn't hear. I felt myself begin to heat up despite my mental plea for myself to stop. He gave me his infamous head tilt that he always gave me when he was studying me, taking me in.

"He's not in," he responded. "He'll be back later."

I nodded, feeling my nerves get the best of me, as well as my libido. I couldn't look him in the eye too long without feeling as though I were going to combust from all of the sexual frustration that I was feeling. I needed to have sex with Silas soon. It wasn't a want, it was a need.

I came back down to earth, walking past Silas. "I'll clean this up. You can go in my room," I told Aimi. I could see her hesitancy. She shook her head, opening her mouth to say that she would help but I cut her off. "Go."

She waved a quick goodbye to Silas, going to my room. I crouched down, observing the mess in front of me. I heard footsteps moving toward me. As I looked up, I found myself nearly shuddering.

"I got it," Silas muttered, dustpan and broom in hand. "You go with your friend."

I stood up. "It's fine. You don't have to-"

"Go with your friend," he repeated, seemingly annoyed.

"Uh," I muttered. Before I could even blink, I was pushed up against the counter. I couldn't even get another word out-not even a gasp. My heart was pounding in my chest as Silas' hips dug into mine.

"Why didn't you just listen to me and go to your room?" He asked. My lips parted as his fingers twisted into my hair.

I shrugged, my voice coming out soft. "I just wanted to clean up."

He took in a sharp breath. His nose trailed down my neck, tickling me. I moved my neck a little, allowing him to leave a trail of kisses. I felt his tongue glide down my neck, a soft moan escaping my mouth. His lips went to the shell of my ear. My breathing hitched.

"There's something about you," he breathed, his hand going into my panties. I grabbed onto him. "I can't control myself around you. It makes me so fucking angry with you." I moaned as he slid two fingers inside of me. "You're wet already."

I leaned my head against his shoulder as he thrusted his fingers into me again, whimpering into his shoulder. "It's not my fault," I managed to get out.

"It is your fault. I've never had a hard time with self control until I met you." I squeezed him tighter as he began to shove his fingers in and out of me much harder and much faster. My legs were beginning to shake. "You're going to cum?"

I nodded. "Yes."

He slipped his fingers out of me suddenly. He backed away from me a little. He shoved his fingers into his mouth, tasting me. My chest heaved up and down, trying to regulate my breathing. I looked at him in annoyance.

"I'm not going to make you cum, and I'm not going to fuck you."

My eyes narrowed at him. "What?"

"I'm not going to make you cum, and I'm not going to fuck you," he repeated.

I glared at him. "You're going to make me cum, and when I want you to fuck me? You're going to fuck me, Silas."

He clenched his jaw. Before he could take another step, I pulled his body back against mine. He held me against him, my legs wrapping around his waist as he held me in his arms. We both glared at one another.

He grabbed my hand in his, shoving it back inside of my panties. He controlled every movement of my hands as my fingers curled in and out of me. Moans slipped out of my mouth, muffled because of my mouth pressed against his shoulder. I was going to cum fast and hard if he continued.

"Silas," I cried.

He sighed in what seemed like delight as I moaned his name. With a few more thrusts, I collapsed in his arms as I road out my orgasm. I jerked, shaking against him as he held me tightly. I panted, leaning back against the counter a little.

"I'll clean up the mess," he told me. "Go."

These men were going to be the death of me.

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