Stress Levels

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Steve's POV

"I don't understand how you can be so relaxed after what just happened." I shake my head at Tony. "We were supposed to take the HYDRA agent in to be questioned."

"Collateral damage." He shrugs, earning glares from all of us. "Look, he was getting on my nerves, it's not like he can do any harm now that he's dead."

"Jesus Christ, Tony! We needed intel on what they're planning!" Everyone jumps at Bruce's sudden outburst. His skin turns a light shade of green before he calms down and excuses himself from the room.

"You're all overreacting. It's not the end of the world, everything will work out in the end, it always does." He crosses his arms confidently. "I've got it. Us, party, here, tonight." He points. "You all need to loosen up."

Thor booms with laughter. "Ah yes, on Asgard we always celebrate after a battle! This shall be grand!"

As everyone seems to move on and forget about our failed mission, I storm into my room and slam the door behind me. I lay back on my bed and replay the mission in my head to see what we could've done better when my thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Steve?" Bucky asks as he pops his head in. "Uh, Sam and I were about to head out to get some things for the party, did you wanna come with?"

I sigh, looking over to my best friend who has worry in his eyes--probably because I've been so on-edge lately but hopefully because of the failed mission at least a little bit. I can't be the only one thinking logically.

"It wasn't really a question, you're coming with us." Sam pops his head in behind Bucky, who then elbows him in the side.

"Alright, give me a minute." I sigh before getting up and changing into a pair of jeans and a button-up.

I drive the car while Sam sits in the passenger seat and Bucky sits in the back. For the majority of the ride they argue about switching seats and not having space in the back, making me chuckle every now and then. Once I park, the two of them run into the grocery store to get finger-foods while I walk into the liquor store. Not really knowing what to get, I grab a few bottles of vodka and tequila.

"I would've taken you for a bourbon kind of guy." A voice speaks from behind me and I turn to find a blonde woman scanning the shelves with a bottle of whiskey in her hand. "Speaking of, have you seen any in here?"

I stare at her, speechless at how she managed to strike up a conversation with a complete stranger. "Oh.. I.. Um.." She looks up at me with an eyebrow raised. I turn back to the shelves to grab a bottle of bourbon from the top shelf and hand it to her.

"Thanks." She smiles up at me and takes the bottle. I stare into her green eyes for a moment before she turns on her heels and heads for checkout.

I look back toward the shelves and decide to grab a bottle for the party too, since I'm not that familiar with this area of expertise. As I reach checkout, I look around for the woman but she disappeared. After paying I carry the bags to the car and wait for tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum before driving back to the tower.


"It's about time you guys got back, people are already getting here." Tony says, grabbing the bags from us to get everything ready. "What's wrong with blondie?" He asks, Bucky and Sam shrug.

"He's looked like that the whole way back, hardly said a word." Sam says, glancing at me with a stupid look on my face.

Tony shrugs before taking the alcohol and putting it on the shelf behind the bar. Once he's done, he disappears into the crowd of strangers.

"Hey Steve!" Bucky yells from not too far away and I spin in my seat to find him motioning me over as he gestures towards Sharon. I roll my eyes and shake my head at him before turning my back to everyone.

I spot Nat, Clint, and Bruce having a conversation on the couch and get up to join them but bump into someone on my way, catching them before they have the chance to fall.

"Oh God, I'm so sorry." A familiar voice speaks over the loud music. "I should've known better than to wear brand new heels to a party."

I look down at the woman in my arms to find that she's the same woman from the liquor store.

"Oh! Hey!" She says once she notices that it's me and fixes herself as she takes a step back. It's only now that I'm noticing her short, low-cut, skin-tight, black cocktail dress and I feel myself blush.

"Hey." I say awkwardly. "I um.. I haven't seen you around before, I'm Steve." I hold my hand out to shake hers.

"Kate." She smiles. "I actually live in Malibu, I'm only here for the weekend." She explains.

I raise an eyebrow at this new information. "Really? What brings you to the east coast?"

"Oh, just business." She says vaguely.

"With Tony? Is that why you're here?" I ask, not thinking about boundaries before I speak.

"You could say that." She stifles a laugh. "I'd better go greet the host before he drinks too much."

We share a laugh and she holds the two bottles of alcohol in her hands as she walks through the crowd. I feel my heart jump in my chest at the mere sight of her.

"You alright bud?" I feel a pat on my shoulder.

"Yeah." I say, trying and failing to hide my growing smile.

"What's gotten into you?" Bucky smirks. "A gal?"

"Yeah." I repeat. There's no hiding the giant grin on my face. I faintly hear Sam and Bucky teasing me but block it out as I watch Kate navigate the floor.

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