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Kate's POV

After a long, excruciating hour of Loki playing my forgotten memories in my head, I am sat in the floor in tears.

This process revealed that I was raised as a child assasin. The agents erased my memories so that I could attend public school, where I was forced to befriend Tony Stark. I was put through college and given my own company at the mercy of HYDRA. Once I realized that it wasn't what I wanted and backed out, they decided to bring me back in to recalibrate me but I ended up getting away and being saved by Tony and, well, you know how the rest goes.

I've been controlled my entire life without even knowing it. If I hadn't gotten away all those years ago, I would've been made into a weapon of mass destruction. I begin to cry uncontrollably as Loki stands there awkwardly.

"Kate?" I hear Thor's voice as he enters the room. "What have you done to her?!" He yells at Loki, holding him by his shirt.

"I asked him to." I sniff. "I.. I need to go back to Earth."

I notice Loki wearing a hurt look on his face as Thor lets go of him. I grab my bag and follow Thor to the Bifrost after saying goodbye to Loki, Frigga, and Odin.

Bucky's POV

I'm sat on the couch, watching some random chick flick that was on TV. Natasha, Clint, and Bruce went to bed already while Tony and Steve are.. Otherwise occupied.

I hear a loud noise come from outside and turn to see a flash of rainbow lights on the landing pad through the glass windows. Moments later, Thor appears with someone standing behind him.

I immediately jump to my feet and run toward them. "Kate?!" I ask, gaining speed as I get closer.

I see her poke her head around Thor and she drops her bag as she runs to me. "Bucky!" She cries.

She jumps into my arms and I spin her around as I hold her tightly. I set her down on her feet and caress her face in my hands.

"I've missed you so much." I whisper, staring into her eyes.

"I've missed you too." She says, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"What the hell is going on down here?" Tony asks, his hair a mess as Pepper follows behind him. I let go of her face and stand beside her.

Steve appears shirtless with Sharon clinging to him. "Kate?" He asks, shocked at the sight of her.

I turn to look at her and find her smiling a bit. "Hi guys."

Tony and Steve exchange a glance. I thought this would've hit Kate like a ton of bricks. I feel Kate's hand grazing mine and my heart skips a beat.

Minutes later, everyone has said their hellos and is in the elevator to go to their rooms. Nat, Clint, Thor, and Bruce step off on the 14th floor. The doors open on the 15th floor and the rest of us step out. Pepper pulls Tony to his room, not giving him a chance to say anything to Kate.

"Hey, Buck?" Kate asks, walking down the hallway with Steve, Sharon and I. "Do you mind if I stay with you tonight?" She asks. I can tell Steve is listening by the way he stiffens at her question.

"Of course not, Shortcake." I smile at her. "Goodnight guys." I say to Steve and Sharon as I open my bedroom door.

"Night.." Steve says, his head hanging low.

Kate's POV

"So, how was Asgard?" Bucky asks, pulling off his shirt to change into pajamas.

"It's beautiful. Everything is golden and majestic. I wish I could've stayed there forever." I beam.

"Why didn't you?" He asks, handing me one of his t-shirts to change into.

"It didn't feel like home." I shrug.

Bucky furrows his eyebrows. "Where does it feel like home?"

I look up at him and smile. "Wherever you are." His eyes widen as a blush creeps across his face. "I thought about it a lot while I was there. Thor's mom is a great voice of reason." I laugh. "But I realized that you're the one that's constantly on my mind, the one I run to when things get out of hand, the one who's always been there for me." I straddle his waist as he sits back on the bed. "When I saw Steve and Tony with those women and it didn't even phase me, I knew that my gut instinct was right, that you're the one I want."

Bucky looks up at me in awe and he rests his hands on my waist. He pulls me down and presses his lips to mine. I run my fingers through his hair, finally feeling whole again. We pull away and stare lovingly into each other's eyes before crawling under the blankets and cuddling.

"Goodnight Shortcake." Bucky whispers.

"Goodnight Boo Bear."

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