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Steve's POV

"You didn't think that maybe something happened to her if she hadn't answered in 2 MONTHS?!" I slam my fists on the metal table.

"I thought she just didn't want to talk to me! How was I supposed to know that some guys from HYDRA bought my mansion and kidnapped her?!" Tony yells back.

Once I had gotten Kate on the quinjet, we did everything we could to keep her alive until we got back to the tower for the medical treatment she needed. At the tower, Bruce and some other doctors immediately rushed her into surgery. Since then, the rest of us have been arguing in the conference room.

"You couldn't even be bothered to check, could you?" I accuse Tony.

"Excuse me? What about you? You could've checked in on her." He crosses his arms.

"Alright that's enough. None of this is going to help her get better." Clint yells at the both of us.

"Clint's right, what happened, happened. There's no taking it back." Natasha says, looking down.

"The real question is: why did HYDRA take her of all people? She doesn't know any of our missions or our plans." Bucky adds.

"Yeah, she only knew us for like 2 days and Tony practically never talks to her." Sam adds.

"Not helping." Tony glares at Sam and he throws his hands up in defense.

Bruce finally walks into the room, looking down as he fumbles with his hands.

"Well? How is she?" Clint asks.

"She lost a lot of blood.." He begins. "She's awake, I'm not sure how long she will be though. We stitched her up but it's going to take a while for her to get back to normal." The entire team sighs in relief. "I honestly didn't think she was going to make it.. Someone who lost that much blood.." He trails as he shakes his head.

"Can I go see her?" Tony asks, standing from his seat.

Bruce looks at Tony and then at me. "She's asking for Steve."

I glance at Tony to see how heartbroken he looks as he sits back down with his head hanging low. I follow Bruce into her hospital-like room to find her laying on the bed with multiple machines hooked up to her to monitor a bunch of different things.

"She can't talk or move much, I think she just wanted someone with her." Bruce explains, I nod. He leaves us alone and I take a seat beside her.

"Hey." I say softly.

She slowly turns her head so that she's facing me. "Hey." She says barely above a whisper as if she lost her voice.

"Bruce said you're not supposed to be talking." I place my hand on top of hers. "We can sit in silence, I just need you to hear me out first." I say, she does her best to nod and I take a deep breath. "When you left that day, I thought for sure you'd go back to Tony. I know you kissed him, he told everyone about it as soon as you left and bragged about how he finally won you back." I look down. "I didn't want to ruin that for you. If he makes you happy then I'm happy for you. Once I saw that he was bringing girls around I started getting worried that he was cheating on you again. But it wasn't my business so I decided to stay out of it." I look back up at her to find her staring back. "I got assigned to that mission, only to get intel, but something told me to go further, and thank God I did because I found you." She squeezes my hand softly and I smile at her. "It was only then that I realized that Tony hadn't been talking to you at all, he dropped you completely without even considering the fact that something might've happened to you. Believe me, I let him have a piece of my mind a few minutes ago." I say, laughing a bit. "I just.. want you to know that I never meant to abandon you. I just thought that what I was doing was the best for you. And I'm sorry if I made it seem any differently."

She squeezed my hand again and I look up at her. "I never took Tony back." She says quietly. "Yes I kissed him, but then I told him that we should take a break. I never blamed you for a second, I knew that if you were there I never would've been in that situation." She says, pausing to catch her breath. "I missed you." She looks up at me. "So much."

"I missed you too." I smile at her. I see a tear rolling down her cheek and gently wipe it away. "No more talking, you need to rest and get strong again so we can go on more walks." I poke her nose, making her smile. I notice that her eyes are starting to close and intertwine my fingers with hers. "You can rest sweetheart, I'll be right here when you wake up."

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