Having Fun

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Kate's POV

"I heard there's a carnival not too far from the tower. Would you want to go?" I ask, looking over at Bucky as he washes the dishes.

"Depends." He says, I raise an eyebrow at him. "Do I get to kiss you at the top of the ferris wheel?" He smirks.

"Is that even a question?" I giggle. He finishes drying the dishes and walks over to me.

I wrap my arms around his neck and he smiles. "The others are looking." He says quietly.

"So?" I bite my lip.

"Hey guys! Do you want to go to the carnival later?" Steve shouts, ruining our moment.

I give Bucky a look and he chuckles. "Damn his super hearing." I whisper.

"Yeah! We were actually just talking about that." Bucky says.

"Awesome! So we'll all go then?" He asks, turning to the others as Bucky and I rejoin them.

"I can't, I told Clint I'd go with him to visit his family." Natasha says.

"I don't think it's a good idea for me to be in a stressful situation like that." Bruce rubs the back of his neck.

"Pep and I will go." Tony smiles. "Steve why don't you invite Sharon."

Steve glares at Tony as the rest of the team stays silent.

"Yeah!" Natasha chirps. "It could be a triple date."

Bucky and I neither confirm nor deny the dating rumor that she just started.

"Sharon and I aren't dating." Steve defends. "Neither are Bucky and Kate." He says. "Unless you've got something to tell us?"

I turn to look at Bucky, who's looking back at me. "No, gross, she's my best friend." He laughs, turning back to the others.

"Yeah.. Gross.." I say quietly, my heart aching as his words play in my head.

"See." Steve smiles, turning to Nat. "We'll leave in a few hours, everyone go get ready."

I nod, not saying a word to anyone, and step into the elevator, closing it before anyone has the chance to join me. My head hangs low as I walk to my room and I slam my door behind me, shaking the entire room.

I sigh in frustration and lay face down on my bed as I cry into my pillow. There's a knock on my door and I ignore it. I hear another knock and yell for whoever it is to go away, but they must not understand English because I hear my door creak as it opens. I feel my bed sink as someone sits beside me but I don't bother lifting my head to see who it is.

"Kate.." I feel a hand on my back.

"Please just let me get ready." I sniff, my voice breaking.

Bucky sighs and stays where he is. "At least let me explain myself."

"What is there to explain?" I ask, sitting up and turning to look at him. His eyes widen at my puffy eyes and he caresses my face. "You said that the idea of us dating was gross? Of all the words you could've used?"

"I don't want them to be suspicious." He begins. "I didn't want them to find out this way. We should be the ones to tell them when we want to tell them."

I look down and shake my head. "I don't know.. I still kinda feel like you're ashamed of me."

"Well don't, because I'm not." He lifts my chin. "I can't wait to brag about having you to myself, but not now, not yet. Steve needs to get over you first, otherwise things could get bad." He sighs, I nod in agreement.

"Until then.. I'll keep you my dirty little secret." He winks and I feel myself blush. He places a soft kiss on my lips before standing up. "You'd better get ready, we're going to be leaving soon." He says before leaving my room.

I begin to look through my closet to find something to wear and eventually have an outfit laid out. I hop into the shower, taking my time to shave and exfoliate, before getting out and moisturizing. I dry my hair thoroughly before straightening it and apply a little bit of makeup before changing into my very ripped black skinny jeans and white tube top.

Once I give myself a look in the mirror and approve of everything, I head downstairs to meet the other four. I'm going to make Bucky regret keeping us a secret.

"Are we ready to go?" I ask, standing by the elevator. The others nod and join me before we go down to the ground floor and hop into a car.

Bucky's POV

"You look nice." I whisper to Kate in the car.

"Thanks." She says, not looking at me.

I furrow my eyebrows. I thought we were good? We pull up to the carnival and Tony and Pepper immediately run off to do their own thing.

"Let's go on the spinning one!" Kate says, pointing to a ride called 'The Scrambler'.

Steve immediately grabs her hand and pulls her onto the line. I sit this one out, not wanting to be in one of the carts by myself, and am forced to watch the two of them laughing as they get squished together.

While they're on the ride, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn my head to see a young brunette woman standing behind me and furrow my eyebrows.

"Hey Buck." She smirks.

My eyes widen in realization. "Susan? What are you doing here?"

"I came with a few friends but I'm the odd one out." She says. "I see you haven't changed a bit."

"Yes I have." I huff.

"Still got that soft spot under your jaw?" She asks, rubbing her thumb along the spot she was talking about.

"Bucky?" I hear from behind me and turn to see Steve and Kate. "Susan?"

"Hey Cap." She smiles. "It looks like you guys could use another person, mind if I tag along?"

I lock eyes with Kate, who looks confused and hurt as she looks back at me. This is not going to end well.

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