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Steve's POV

As I sit with Thor and wait in the living room, Sam, Nat, and Bucky eventually join us. They're all going on about who would win in a fight.

"Steve, why didn't you train with us today?" Bucky asks. No doubt he knows I've been a bit off with him these past two days. I'm not exactly hiding my aggravation with him.

"He was assisting Lady Kate in the washing of the dishes." Thor speaks, his eyes glued to the television.

I notice Bucky furrow his eyebrows at me as Nat smiles. "What a gentleman." Nat winks at me.

Before the conversation continues, the elevator doors open to reveal Kate in a cute little sundress and sandals. She looks a bit frustrated but takes a deep breath and shakes it off as she approaches us.

"Ready to go Steve?" She asks, her mind too preoccupied to acknowledge anyone or anything else.

"Yes ma'am." I say, standing up and walking over to her.

"Where are you guys going?" Bucky asks, standing up from his seat.

"Just for a walk, Buck. I would've invited you guys but you were all training and I didn't want to interrupt." I smile. I see Bucky clench his jaw and fists as Sam's eyes go wide and Natasha smirks. "Next time?"

Bucky scoffs. "Yeah. Next time." He glares at me before sitting back down and crossing his arms.

Kate loops her arm around mine as we step back into the elevator. This definitely sent Bucky over the edge.

"Are you alright?" I ask, noticing how tense she is.

"Me? Yeah, fine." She fakes a smile.

"Kate, you don't have to lie to me." I look down at her and she sighs. "Tony?" I ask, she nods.

"He's just so confusing! He abandons me in Malibu to move across the country and ignores me for months without closure so I decide to come here to either fix whatever we are or end it but he's still disappearing and throwing tantrums." She looks down, tears building in her eyes. "I just don't get it. You either want to be with someone or you don't, there's no in between!"

"Hey, hey, it's okay." I pull her into a hug. "He doesn't deserve your tears. He'll realize his mistake sooner or later. Whether or not he misses out on an amazing woman like you is on him." I do my best to comfort her.

"It's just.. I loved him, or at least I thought I did.. I'm not so sure anymore." She sniffs.

"You don't have to think about that right now. You don't have to think about any of that right now." I lift her chin so she's looking at me. "Let's enjoy our walk, appreciate the city, and clear our minds, yeah?"

She gives me a small smile and nods her head. The elevator stops on the ground floor and we get off, walking side by side as we explore the city.

Bucky's POV

"Can you believe him?" I rage after the elevator doors close. "He's my best friend, how could he do this to me?!"

"Calm down soldier." Nat laughs.

"What's so funny?" Sam asks.

"You're getting all worked up over a girl? That already has a boyfriend?" She reminds me. "They're just friends, do you really think Steve would be one to tear a relationship apart?"

I sigh, sitting back in my seat as I realize she's right. "I still don't get why he's trying to be so close to her."

"You're joking, right?" Nat asks, holding back her laughter.

I look at Sam, who shrugs, and then at Thor, who is also laughing, before I look back at Natasha. I furrow my eyebrows and try to think of what could be so funny. I hear a gasp come from beside me and turn to find Sam now laughing as well.

"What's going on?" I ask, becoming aggravated.

"Dude, you're an idiot." Sam laughs and I whack his arm.

"Someone explain!" I yell.

"The Captain likes Lady Kate as well!" Thor booms with laughter. "It is so obvious!"

"W-What?" I ask.

"It all makes sense, Buck. The way he was so awestruck yesterday and then suddenly depressed after Tony introduced Kate as his girlfriend." Sam continues.

"And how he got so tense when you started flirting with her." Natasha points.

"Oh God.." my eyes widen. "I'm the one who's the terrible friend!"

"Relax Bucky, you didn't know." Sam comforts. "But now that you do know, what're you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna do what any good friend would do." I say. "Talk Steve up to her like there's no tomorrow." I smirk. "And expose Stark to his innocent--soon to be ex--girlfriend."

"Bucky, I don't-" Natasha tries to stop me from doing something I'll regret but she gets cut off by someone walking through the room and to the bar.

Tony's POV

After Kate blew up on me, I knew I had messed up. I never meant to hurt her, but I guess that's just who I am. How she found out about the other girls is beyond me, but I know that I have to make things right.

"FRIDAY? Can you get my real estate agent on the phone?" I ask.

"Right away, sir." She responds before the phone begins dialing. I let the line blink for a few moments before picking up the phone.

"Hello yes this is Tony Stark. I'd like to put my Malibu estate on the market, my stay in New York will be permanent." I speak through the phone and arrange a listing price etc. with the agent before ending the call. I don't know why I didn't do this months ago.

Once I've calmed down, I make my way downstairs and walk past the gang on the couch to make Manhattans for everyone. I place the glasses on a tray and carry them over to the team.

"Tony? What's going on?" Nat asks.

"We're celebrating." I smile as I sip my drink. "I'm going to sell my Malibu mansion."

Their eyes go wide. "Why is that a good thing?" Sam asks.

I sigh as I take a seat beside them. "I realized how lucky I am to have a gal like Kate and how royally I've fucked up. I want to make things right, which means that she should be living with me. So, I'm selling the mansion and she'll be moving into the tower, permanently." I smile proudly.

Their jaws drop. "Tony, I don't.. Did you think this through?" Natasha asks.

"Of course I did, what could go wrong?"

"What if she doesn't want to live in the tower?" Sam asks.

"What if you've gone too far this time and she never forgives you?" Natasha adds.

"What if she's already falling for someone else?" Bucky finishes.

I feel a pain in my chest as I realize that they're right. I should've asked her first. I should've apologized. I should've made things right before taking drastic steps.

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