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Kate's POV

I wake up the next morning and sit up as my senses wake up. I look to my left to see Tony fast asleep and smile, he looks so peaceful for once in his life.

I turn to my right and see a bouquet of roses on the table and furrow my eyebrows. I gently pick them up and find a small card between them.


I know you and I have been butting heads lately and I hate it. I know you love Tony and you always will, just like I'll always love Peggy.

I've been thinking about what you said the other day. I realized that I can't picture my life without you and would do anything for you in the blink of an eye.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I love you, with all of my heart, and I'm ready to move on if you are. I'll give you time to think about it, but don't take too long because I am a 100 year-old man.

Love always,

I feel tears welling up in my eyes as I read his note. So he finally grew up and decided what he wants.. but what bad timing.

I sigh as I set them down and look back over to Tony.

"Kitten?" He mumbled sleepily. "You alright?"

"Yeah." I smile at him, running my fingers through his hair.

"Are you hungry?" He asks, looking up at me.

"Double yeah." I laugh, making him smile.

"Alright, let's go see if there's any food left in this tower." He chuckles, stretching before he gets out of the bed and helps me to my feet.

Steve's POV

"Who crapped in his cornflakes?" I hear Sam asking Bucky as I sit in the living room with the rest of the team.

"Hey, Cap?" Clint asks. "You alright?" I just nod in response.

"No you're not." Natasha says. "What happened?"

"I just don't get it." I begin. "Am I not good enough? Do I need to be a billionaire with fancy houses and cars? Do I need to drink more or go to more parties? Am I too uptight?"

"What is this about, Steve?" Natasha raises an eyebrow.

"How does she just keep going back to him after he continuously cheats on her?!" I rant, not really listening to anything that anyone else is saying.

"Tony cheated on Kate again?" Clint asks.

"Yeah, don't you guys remember? You were so calm about it when I found out." I say, my tone angry and condescending.

"Wait, what?" Clint asks and Natasha starts to laugh.

"When we asked if you 'found out' we were talking about the proposal!" She says, both of them laughing.

"The.. what?" I ask, my heart dropping to my stomach.

"Tony wasn't having an affair, he stopped doing any of that as soon as Kate came back." Clint explains.

"So then what was that woman doing here that morning?" I ask, crossing my arms.

They both shrug. As if on cue, the elevator doors open to reveal Tony and Kate. "Perfect, now you can ask him yourself!" Natasha smiles.

"Ask me what?" Tony furrows his eyebrows at her but I notice that Kate is looking straight at me.

"Why was that woman here that morning?" I ask in a stern tone.

"So you're the one who told Kate?" He laughs. "I should've known."

"Answer the question." Bucky says.

"I did have a thing with her, but it stopped as soon as Kate came back. That morning I called her over to explain why I just dropped everything and to end it properly." He explains.

My eyes widen. "So you really were going to propose?"

Tony's face reddens and Kate's eyes widen. He immediately shoots a look at Nat, who throws her hands up in defense.

"You were what?" Kate asks, turning to him.

I see Tony swallow before turning to her. "I.. I don't know what they're talking about."

"Tony.." She raises her eyebrows at him and he sighs.

"Yeah.. I was." He looks away in embarrassment. "Why else would I have made those dinner reservations?"

"Why didn't you say anything?" She asks.

"You didn't let me explain myself and then you disappeared with Steve!" He says, gesturing towards me.

I raise my eyebrows and turn to look at Bucky, who has the same look on his face. "You might've just made your situation worse."

Kate's POV

I can't believe Tony was going to propose to me. He must really love me. I look away from him and toward Steve to see him on the verge of tears.

"So.. Now what?" Natasha breaks the awkward silence.

"I.. I don't.." I feel my heart beating in my ears and begin to feel dizzy. "I think I need to lay down." I say, holding myself steady using the table.

"I'll bring you to your room." Tony and Steve say in unison.

"I think maybe I should bring her." Bucky says, wrapping an arm around my waist. "C'mon doll." He smiles, leading me to the elevator.

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