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Kate's POV

"Thank you." I smile up at Steve as we arrive back at the tower. A few hours have passed, so it's now dinner time for the Avengers. Steve and I walked around the city for a bit until we came across a cute little cafe, which is where we stopped for lunch. After that we walked around Central Park before deciding to head back. "I had a really good time."

"You don't need to thank me. You deserve so much more than just a walk around the city." He smiles down at me.

As we stand in the elevator, I notice that our fingers are intertwined and blush. I look up at him to realize that he's already looking down at me. Without thinking, I feel myself begin to lean in but am interrupted when the elevator dings. I immediately jump away from Steve and do my best to calm my racing heart.

"We're back!" Steve yells. Instantly, we hear pounding feet approaching and brace ourselves for impact when we see Nat, Bucky, Sam, and Clint running towards us.

"Not a super soldier, please don't kill me." I laugh as I hide behind Steve and they all slow down before coming to a stop in front of us.

"What took you guys so long?" Nat asks.

"We were worried sick!" Sam adds.

"What if you got kidnapped!" Clint exaggerates.

"I think I could handle a few kidnappers." Steve chuckles. "And I'd die before letting anyone lay a finger on her." He smiles at me.

"How sweet." Bucky speaks up and I feel Steve become tense. "You guys would be a cute couple." He winks. I furrow my eyebrows and look up at Steve, who's glaring at Bucky.

"Kitten?" I hear that oh-so-familiar voice call. Tony appears in front of us and wraps his arms around me. "I tried calling you, when you didn't answer I got so worried."

I furrow my eyebrows even more. He tried calling me? Since when does he ever call me. "Well, here I am." I say, not moving in his grip.

"I made dinner, your favorite." He smiles, intertwining our fingers as he leads me to the dining room. The aroma from the kitchen almost makes me moan but I hold it in, not wanting Tony to get any ideas. The team and I sit around the table while Tony serves us, everyone wearing a confused look on their face.

"Since when can you cook?" Bruce asks.

"I always could." Tony says proudly. "Don't expect it often." He sasses. There he is.

I look down at the Chicken Broccoli Alfredo in front of me and turn toward Tony. "What is this about?" I ask, not buying his act.

"Can't I just do something nice for my girl?" He asks, smiling sweetly at me. I try to read him but it's impossible, it's almost as if he's being genuine.

"Is it poisoned?" Bucky asks, making the rest of the team laugh.

"No, it's not poisoned." He narrows his eyes at Bucky. "But I could make yours extra special if you'd like."

Eventually everyone finishes eating and I collect their dishes but Tony takes them from me. "I got it Kitten, you go relax."

I raise an eyebrow at him. "Seriously Tony, what do you want?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't want anything, just for you to be happy." He boops my nose. "You know, I missed having you around." He begins, turning his attention towards me and away from the dishes.

"I missed you too, so much." I admit, needing to let everything out. "I needed you, Tony, for 5 months, and you were nowhere to be found. Do you know how much that hurt me?"

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