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Kate's POV

I step into my room to change while Steve waits on the other side of the door. I quickly change into a pair of shorts and a tank top, tying my hair up in a bun before walking out of the room.

"So, what are we doing today?" I ask, following Steve to his room so that he can change out of his pajamas. I plop down on his bed and lay on my back as I look up at him.

"We could see if the others want to do anything." He says, leaning against the wall.

I feel my heart sink at his gentle rejection of spending time alone together and force a nod. He goes to speak again but is interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Steve?" Bucky asks as he walks in and pulls Steve away.

After a few moments of whispering, they both head for the door. "What's going on?" I ask, sitting up.

"We have a mission. Fury's here to brief us." Steve sighs.

"I'll go get ready." I hop out of his bed and follow them out of the room.

"Actually.." Bucky looks at Steve. "Fury still doesn't think you're ready."

"What?" I ask, completely dumbfounded. "How could I not be ready? I have more control over my powers than I ever have!"

"I know doll, he just doesn't want to put anyone in danger." Bucky continues.

I look at Steve to find him looking down. "Did you say something to make him feel this way?" I ask both of them.

Bucky looks at Steve and Steve looks up at me. "Kate, we just don't want you to get hurt. You just discovered these new abilities, there's no saying what could happen out there."

"Yeah no shit, what happens out on the field is always unpredictable." I clench my jaw.

His eyes widen at my use of language but he doesn't dare to scold me for it. I storm past them and into my room, slamming the door behind me as they make their way to the conference room.

Steve's POV

"Is everyone clear on their job?" Fury asks at the end of the briefing. We'll be infiltrating another HYDRA base in Russia--SHIELD seems to think that this is their headquarters. "Oh and Dr. Banner, I think you'd better tag along for this one."

Bruce's eyes widen as he slowly nods. It must be really serious if it's a possible code green.

"What about Kate?" Tony asks. His voice sounds as if it's painful to even say her name.

"She'll be fine here. She's not ready yet." Fury says before nodding at me and walking out of the room.

"Isn't anyone else concerned about Kate staying here alone?" Natasha speaks up as we all stand.

"There's not much we can do." I sigh. "I want her to come as much as you do, believe me. But Fury said no and the rest of us are needed." The rest of the team nods. "Alright guys. Suit up."

Kate's POV

I sit in my room, playing with a ball of fire in my hands, when there's a knock at the door.

"Go away." I say monotonely.

There's another knock and I let out a frustrated groan, making the fire in my hands disappear. I walk over to the door and angrily swing it open to see Tony standing there.

I furrow my eyebrows before crossing my arms. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to apologize again." He looks down. "I can't stand the feeling of you hating me."

"I don't hate you, Tony." I sigh, gesturing for him to come in.

"Y-You don't?" He asks, shocked.

"No, I don't. And I'm not mad at you either, just kinda disappointed."

Tony throws his arms up. "Everyone knows that's so much worse." I can't help but chuckle at his dramatics, making him look down at me. "Listen, Kitten, we're going on probably the most dangerous mission we've had and.. We never really know what we're walking into but.. If I don't come back-"

"Don't talk like that." I stop him, grabbing his hand. "You'll be fine."

Tony sighs, looking down at our hands. "I just want you to know that-"

"Kate?" Steve interrupts Tony as he walks through the open door. He furrows his eyebrows when he sees Tony and looks at me.

"Tony was just saying goodbye before the mission." I say, giving Tony a soft smile before he pulls me into a hug.

Steve clears his throat and Tony lets go of me. He gives me a sad smile before walking out of the room. I turn my back to Steve and sit on the edge of my bed. I hear a deep sigh before the bed sinks next to me.

"I only want to protect you." He speaks, looking down at the ground.

"I can protect myself." I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sweetheart," he turns my head to look at him, "I mean it. Do you really think it's a good idea to infiltrate a HYDRA base when your emotions can still take control of your powers?"

I look into his eyes and sigh before looking away. He's right, but that doesn't mean I can't be any help.

"I've gotta get going." He sighs, standing up. "I'll be back in a jiffy."

I nod, looking down at the ground. I think about what Tony said and feel a sense of worry come over me.

"Steve!" I shout, catching him before he reaches the elevator. "Please be careful." I say, jumping towards him and wrapping my arms around him.

"I always am." He smiles down at me, placing a kiss on my forehead before joining Bucky and Tony in the elevator. I wave goodbye to them, Bucky smirking at me and Steve while Tony presses his lips together.

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