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Kate's POV

"Do you want to go put the bear in the car? I can call Happy to meet us at the entrance." Steve suggests, noticing that the bear is the same size as me.

"That's a great idea. Let's take the sky ride thing to the entrance though, my legs are tired." I say, holding the giant bear that Steve won in my arms.

"We'll wait for you guys. I think Bucky wants to try his luck at a few more games." Susan smiles and I nod. I look at Bucky to find him furrowing his eyebrows at her. He directs his attention towards me and goes to say something but doesn't, making me roll my eyes.

"Come on, Stevie." I say, turning on my heels. He puts an arm around me and walks with me to the sky ride.

"So.." I say once we're sitting in the cart. "Tony seems to be doing well."

"Yeah.. He moved on pretty quickly but I mean he seems genuinely happy." Steve says, sitting across from me.

"I'm happy for him." I smile.

"I waited, yknow." He speaks, looking down. "I waited for 3 months. I didn't want to think about the possibility that you might not come back. Eventually, I started feeling lonely, and I knew that Sharon has a thing for me so I took advantage of it." He pauses. "God I'm such an ass."

"Hey." I grab his hand. "You're not an ass." He looks up at me. "Although you do have a pretty great one." I wink, both of us laughing as he blushes.

"You're not mad? Upset? Disappointed?" He asks.

"No, I expected both of you to move on." I admit. "I kinda hoped you would, to make things easier on me in the end... Who's the ass now?" I stifle a laugh.

Steve places a finger under my chin and lifts my head. I stare into his eyes and he does the same as he slowly leans in. Within seconds our lips are moving in sync and I feel butterflies in my stomach. He caresses my face in his hands and I abandon my giant bear as I run my fingers through his hair.

The cart begins to descend as we reach the station to get off and we pull away from eachother. I see a grin on Steve's face and can't help but smile. We step onto the ground and I grab my bear before walking to meet Happy, hand-in-hand with Steve.

Bucky's POV

"What the hell was that about?" I ask after Kate and Steve walk away.

"How do you expect them to get together if you're always third-wheeling?" Susan rolls her eyes. "Men are so dumb."

I shake my head angrily. "You need to leave." She gives me a confused look. "Go find your friends. Stay with them." I say before walking off toward the entrance of the carnival.

"Frosty!" I hear someone shout. I turn to see Tony and Pepper holding hands and eating cotton candy as they approach me. "You guys ready to get out of here?"

"Steve and Kate actually already went back." I explain.

"Oh, perfect! Let's go then." He says, the three of us chatting about what we went on as we make our way to the car.

I feel buzzing in my pocket and pull my phone out to see that Steve is calling.

"Hello?" I ask after answering the call.

"Hey Buck. Kate's pretty tired so we're probably just gonna head back to the tower." He says through the phone.

"Oh, I'm with Tony and Pepper, we're already on our way to the car." I say.

"Oh, alright, perfect. We'll see you soon then." He says before hanging up.

Tired? She didn't seem tired a few minutes ago when she was planning which rides to go on.

"Everything alright?" Pepper asks.

"Yeah! They're waiting for us." I say, snapping out of my thoughts.

She wouldn't do anything with Steve while she's with me, would she? I mean her and I aren't even officially together, so I guess she could. I hope that's not the issue here, I'd hate to get into it with Steve.

Steve's POV

As we wait for the others, Kate begins to fall asleep in my shoulder in the backseat. He head is on my lap and she's curled up in the seat beside me.

The car door opens and the other three slide into their seats. "It's about time, what took you so long?"

"We had to walk." Tony says, obviously tired as well. "Where's the other one?" He asks. I point to my lap and he nods in understanding.

The ride home is dead silent because everyone is half-asleep. We finally arrive at the tower and everyone stumbles out of the car as they make their way inside.

"I'll get her." Bucky says, picking Kate up before I get the chance to. "She'll probably want to stay with me again tonight anyway."

I nod, following them into the elevator and up to our floor. "Goodnight guys." I say to everyone before going to my room. I lay awake in my bed, overthinking how to day went, until I eventually fall asleep.

Bucky's POV

I lay Kate down in my bed and grab a pair of sweatpants before going into the bathroom to change. Once I walk back into the room, I see Kate tiredly looking up at me from her pillow.

"Hey, I um.. You were sleeping so I didn't know if you wanted to sleep in here or.." I trail, not really knowing where I was going with that. "Do you want a shirt?" I ask but she just stares at me blankly.

"I don't get it." She says, her eyes locked on mine. "You spend what was supposed to be our date with an old girlfriend. You go on all of the rides with her. You sneak off to walk her to the bathroom. You barely say a word to me all night. And then you just expect things to be how they were before?" She scoff, standing up. "I'll sleep in my own room tonight."

"Um, actually, Tony gave that room to Pepper for her things.." I say awkwardly.

"Well then I'll sleep in Steve's room. I'm sure he won't mind." She says, giving me a fake smile before angrily walking out of my room and across the hall to Steve's.

She's not wrong, I could've given her more attention. I could've told Susan to leave. I could've done anything to make it seem like I even cared.

I sit on the edge of my bed and hold my head in my hands. What did I do?

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