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Kate's POV

"Good morning." I greet everyone as Bucky and I walk into the kitchen. Everyone says good morning, except for Tony and Steve. I make myself a bowl of cereal before taking a seat at the table.

"Where'd you go this morning?" I hear Tony speak up and raise an eyebrow at him. "I woke up and you were gone." He continues.

I glance at the rest of the team and they have their eyebrows raised while Steve has his arms crossed as he stares at Bucky sitting beside me.

"Oh, I promised Bucky I'd train with him today." I say.

"Told you." Steve mumbles, earning a look from Tony.

"Kitten, do you know how dangerous that is? If Bucky lost control he could've-"

"Well he didn't lose control." I defend him, placing my hand on top of Bucky's to comfort him. There's no doubt they all know he's sensitive about his past. "Plus, for all we know, I could be more dangerous. I don't even know what I'm capable of."

Tony shakes his head as he stands up from the table and walks away. I glance at Bucky and he nods for me to go after him.

"Tony!" I chase him into the elevator. "What's your problem?"

"My pr-? Kate, he could've seriously hurt you! What were you thinking?" He stresses, flailing his arms around.

"Tony, look at me, I'm fine. He just wanted to help me figure things out and he thought that training would do that." I explain.

Tony sighs and looks down. "Well you could've at least told me."

I tilt my head down to look at his face. "Don't tell me you're jealous of Barnes." I smirk.

"I am not!" He huffs.

"That's so sweet." I giggle at his reaction. "I'll train with you tomorrow if it really bothers you that much."

He looks into my eyes. "Yeah?" He asks.

"Yeah." I laugh at how childish he's being. "Come on, let's go back downstairs." I push another button on the elevator.

"Kitten?" He asks, grabbing my hand. I turn towards him and am met with his lips pressing against mine. It takes me a moment to process what's happening before kissing him back. I run my fingers through his hair as his hands find my waist and pull me closer to him. The elevator dings and we both pull away. I quickly peck his lips before the doors open and we walk to the couch to join the others.

Steve's POV

"So now you're turning on your best friend too?" Bucky raises his voice.

I lose whatever composure I have left and slam my fist on the table. "I'm not turning on anyone."

"Cap, relax." Clint says, all of them on-edge because of my sudden outburst.

"We understand, Steve. What else were we supposed to think after hearing she was connected to HYDRA?" Nat places a comforting hand on my arm.

"I could've handled it better." I sigh, my head hanging low.

"Yeah, we could all do some things better, it's what makes us human." Sam says.

"If she can forgive Stark for everything he's done, she'll forgive you." Rhodey points.

We all settle in on the couch to watch a movie when Kate and Tony walk in holding hands and laughing. Seeing them together sends a wave of hurt through my body.

"So what're we watching?" Tony asks, sitting down on the couch leaving a space between him and I and giving Kate no choice but to sit next to me.

"The Hunger Games?" Clint suggests, everyone agrees so he puts the movie on.

Although Kate is sitting right next to me, it's as if I don't even exist. I sink a bit in the couch and do my best to focus on the movie. About halfway through the movie I notice Kate and Tony cuddling and I roll my eyes. How could she go back to him?

After the first movie, we decide to watch the second one, Catching Fire. Nat, Sam, and Bruce leave about halfway through the it while Clint, Rhodey, and Bucky make their way to the game room to goof around and kick back. As much as my gut is telling me to go with them, I stay put and focus on the movie.

I hear a beep and look over to see Tony looking down at a screen. "Bruce needs me in the lab. I'll be as quick as I can." He says to Kate before kissing her forehead and leaving the room.

And then there were two.

We sit in our seats, an awkward silence filling the room as we finish the rest of the movie. Once the credits begin rolling, I notice Kate twiddling her thumbs as she looks down at them.

"Hey.." I attempt a conversation.

"Do you want to watch the next one?" She asks, not even looking at me.

"Oh.. Uh.. S-Sure." I say, swallowing my nerves as she gets up and switching the DVD to Mockingjay Pt.1.

When she returns to the couch I swear she's a little bit closer to me. She crosses one leg over the other and her arms over her chest as the movie begins to play.

"Do you want popcorn?" I croak, not knowing what to say.

She turns to look at me and I notice that her eyes are red and glassy. "No, Steve, I don't want popcorn." She says, her voice shaking with each word.

"Kate, I never meant to blow up on you like that. I just-"

"Just what, Steve? Just decided that I'm a terrible person without asking me about it or wanting to hear my side of the story?" She clenches her jaw, standing up as she raises her voice.

"Can you just let me speak?!" I stand up, my anger meeting hers. "I tried so hard not to believe it, but I let it get to me and I shouldn't have. I am sorry, Kate. I never meant to hurt you. When I saw you in that chair, practically dying in front of my eyes, I.." I begin to choke on my words. "I sat with you every day in that hospital room. I never left your side. I did everything I could."

"That doesn't change the fact that you willingly assumed I was part of HYDRA." She crosses her arms.

"It was one mistake!" I yell. "Tony has made hundreds of mistakes, mistakes that hurt you--both physically and emotionally!" I remind her.

"Don't you dare bring him into this." Her voice becomes low and she clenches her fists. "Yes, he hurt me, but after months of not being with him it didn't really affect me that much." Her hands start to glow a bright orange and my eyes widen. "You.." She squeezes her eyes shut. "I cared about you. I thought you cared about me too. I guess I was wrong."

"Kate." I say, taking a step back as her arms begin to glow as well.

"No, Steve. I let you talk. Now you're gonna listen to-"

"Kate! Your hands!" A voice yells from behind her. She looks down at her hands and her eyes widen. I look passed her to find Tony standing there with wide eyes.

"I.. I don't know how to stop." She begins to freak out as the glowing takes over her entire body. "Steve.." She looks up at me with fear in her eyes.

Suddenly a fire extinguisher hits her from behind, making the glowing disappear as she becomes unconscious and falls forward. I run to catch her and hold her in my arms.

"What the hell was that?" Bruce asks. I look up to see Tony with a single Iron Man glove on, which he probably used to extinguish Kate.

"I.. I don't.. We were arguing and then she just.. Started glowing." I admit, looking down a her. I see her chest slowly rise and fall and sigh in relief. She's okay.

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