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-Lisa: Jennie someone's calling you... The ID says "CuteVampire🦇"?
-Jennie: No way! Give it to me, please Lis...
-Lisa: Here... (gives the phone to me)
-Jisoo: Who's cute vampire?
-Rosé: Her boyfriend... (smirks)
-Jennie: It's not what you think! It's my brother, Zero... (smiles)

Me: Hi? Zero: Uh

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Me: Hi?
Zero: Uh... Jennie?
Me: Yeah?
Zero: It's Zero, I was wondering if you had had breakfast... Well, it doesn't matter... I'm already on my way to YG's building...
Me: Really?!
Zero: Mom told me you didn't grab anything for eat, so I was kind of worried... You can collapse without eating and doing that much sport...
Me: Okay, thanks Zero...
Zero: Does your members want something as well?
Me: Uh... Wait a moment...

-Jennie: Girls, do you want something to eat?
-Jisoo: I'm offended, you know what I want!
-Lisa: Fries!
-Rosé: Pasta would be really good... (smiles) Are asking for food to come?
-Jennie: Nope, but okay I got it!

Me: Did you hear everything Zero?
Zero: Yeah, I did... See you in a while...
Me: Yeah, bye~
Zero: Bye!

It passes sometime but none of us hanged up...
Me: Hang up...
Zero: Hang up you...
Me: No, you~
Zero: C'mon Jennie~
Me: Hang up you~
Zero: Hang you please... (chuckles)

-Lisa: I don't understand anything, but I hang up (hangs up) Okay, done... (laughs)
-Jennie: What did you do? I was still talking with Zero!
-Rosé: Do you talk with your brother like that?
-Jennie: What? Is normal...
-Lisa: You both really made up, anyways, if Jenjen is happy we all are happy... (smiles)
-Rosé: And our work will be better as well... (smiles)

Then we headed to YG's building, and Zero was already at the principal door waiting for us... I forgot about his powers, and he's able to move really fast...
-Jisoo: Who's that guy?
-Lisa: Handsome~
-Jennie: Hey, stop it... It's Zero, my brother...

-Zero: Jennie

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-Zero: Jennie... (smiles and waves)
-Manager: Don't approach the fans it might me dangerous...
-Jennie: It's my brother... Let him in with us...
-Managers: Oh, I see... Then he can come...
-Jennie: Hi Zero~ (smiles)
-Zero: Hey, I'll give the breakfast later...
-Jennie: Okay... (smiles)

We headed to the practice room and there we all sat and Zero started putting out the food...
-Zero: Okay, who asked for fries?
-Lisa: M-Me! (raises her hand)
-Zero: Chicken-
-Jisoo: Mine!
-Zero: I guess pasta is for you then... (smiles to Rosé)
-Rosé: (blushes) Y-Yeah...
-Jennie: Well, let's eat then...

We all started eating unless Zero, why is he just staring?
-Jennie: Won't you eat?
-Zero: Oh no, I'm full by just looking how you eat... (smiles)
-All: Aww!
-Zero: What? I was talking seriously... (chuckles)
-Jennie: Pabo Zero, that's something you tell to your girlfriend not to your sister...
-Zero: I see... I'm sorry, then... (smiles)
-Lisa: Oppa, didn't you have a girlfriend before?
-Zero: Uh... Nope, for some reasons it was impossible for me...

I know what he's talking about, he couldn't because he was afraid of hurting people... No one knew what he really was...
-Lisa: It's not a problem, here our dear Chaeyoung didn't have any date... (pats her head) So if you want to give her the chance... (smirks)
-Rosé: W-What are you talking about pabo? And why do you have to look guys for me to date? It has to be by itself...
-All: (laugh)
-Zero: I wouldn't mind tho...i mean, I could trust her to be my first date, if she's Jennie's friend, it me as that she's a good girl... (smiles)

Rosé blushed to what my brother said, but I don't agree neither... I mean, my friend with my brother? Nope, thanks nope! It would be really weird, and I just had my brother back... I can't loose him this way...
-Zero: Jennie... Jennie!
-Jennie: Tell me...
-Zero: I'm returning to work, I have to go, they are waiting for me... Fighting girls!
-Jennie: Oh yeah... Have a good day... (smiles)
-Jisoo: And thanks for the food Zero!
-Zero: No prob, keep on taking care of my sister... And Rosé, tell me if you finally want that date... (jokes)
-Rosé: Oppa~!
-Zero: (chuckles) Bye girls! (leaves)

Now we will start with our daily schedules...
-Jisoo:Your brother is nice... He treated us food... (smiles)
-Lisa: And he's interested in our Rosie... (smiles)
-Rosé: Is he serious about what he said?
-Jennie: I guess he is... But don't overthink too much... I don't think you would like each other...
-Lisa and Jisoo: Why not?
-Jennie: Because you don't know who he really is...
-Lisa: You are just jealous... (smirks)
-Jennie: Why would I be jealous?
-Rosé: We would be sisters in law... Give me his number unnie... (smiles)
-Jennie: Yeah sure, here *********
-Rosé: Thanks! (smiles)

 (smiles) -Jennie: Yeah sure, here *********-Rosé: Thanks! (smiles)

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I didn't have any other option but to give it to her... Why I'm that pissed? I should be happy for my brother and my friend...
-Lisa: Well, let's practice now or Pd-nim will get angry...
-Jennie: Yeah, let's go...

We practiced and then the manager went for us as we have a fansingn this afternoon... I wonder what will Zero do...

I headed back to home and told mom that Jennie already had breakfast...
-Mom: Good job dear, now are you heading with your dad?
-Zero: Yeah... He said that I'm near to find a cure... But I don't think that it will work... After so many tries, I'm starting to give up, and I don't know why, I accept myself now... I like being a vampire... (smiles)
-Mom: But it's dangerous for humans...
-Zero: I know, if it weren't because I could hurt Jennie someday I wouldn't go to the laboratory...

I was to say something else when my phone vibrated indicating that I have a new notification... I wonder who is it, oh! It's an unknown number...

Unknown: Oppa, it's Rosé, Jennie' s friend... Will you pick me up after our fansingn this afternoon? 🙈

She really texted me! Were she serious as well? Are we going to date?
What should I answer her?

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