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We woke up really early and prepared our suitcases... I can't believe I'm really traveling to meet my biological father... I think I'll have to say goodbye to Jennie before I leave...
-Sehun: Are you ready?
-Zero: You know we have to stop at blackpink's dorm first, right?
-Sehun: Oh okay... Let's go then, I really want to be back home...
-Zero: (sighs) Okay...

We headed to visit the girls... Now we are knocking their door I guess it's too early to wake up...
-Lisa: Who dared to wake us?

-Zero: Sorry, this is important

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-Zero: Sorry, this is important... Where's Jennie?
-Lisa: Sleeping like a normal person? (sarcastic)

I ignored her and headed to Jennie's room... Shes still sleeping I wake her up by kissing her... Her smell is tempting me to have a bit of her blood...
-Jennie: Zero...?
-Zero: Jennie we have to talk...
-Jennie: Now? It's too early... Sleep with me meanwhile... (yawns)
-Zero: Jennie I'm leaving... To another country...
-Jennie: You what?! Did I hear correctly?
-Zero: Yeah you did... I'm going to China, I'm gonna meet my biological father... He knows everything I need... I mean, he has the answer to all my problems...
-Jennie: How many time?
-Zero: For now just a week... I'm going with Sehun...

 I'm going with Sehun

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-Jennie: Oh I see... I'm going to miss you, but as you have my number we can talk... (smiles)
-Zero: Sure, well I should leave then... (pecks her lips) I love you Jennie Kim. (smiles)
-Jennie: Aww... I think that it's the first time you tell me so directly... (smiles)
-Zero: Well, I'll tell you once we arrive there... Tell my friends if you see them...
-Jennie: Okay, have a safe flight...

I think that Sehun said goodbye to Rosé as well... Aish, but how stupid I am! I forgot to have some blood before leaving... I hope I can resist this week out there...
-Sehun: Faster, we are going to loose our plane... Oh, wait... We are vampires we can flight let's go...
-Zero: You are bringing me there by flying using our powers?
-Sehun: To sump up... Yeah. Let's go! (smiles)

And just like that, we both started flying while carrying our suitcases... I wonder how long will we last at this pace... Flying is really tiring...
-Sehun: How are you doing?
-Zero: F-Fine...
-Sehun: We are going to stop, I need blood to continue... I guess that you took some from Jennie...
-Zero: Y-Yeah, I took... (smiles awkwardly)
-Sehun: I'll have some then... Wait for me here...
-Zero: (nods)

Since when did he start ordering me? I'm the alpha... But I guess that it's bacause I don't know the way to that place... Ugh, I'm feeling dizzy, I need blood... I had to sit when I saw a girl approaching me...

-Girl: You little boy

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-Girl: You little boy... You need it, right?
-Zero: Huh?
-Girl: Blood, you are a vampire...
-Zero: How do you-
-Girl: Have mine, I don't care... (she offers me her neck)
-Zero: But I...
-Girl: Just do it... (rolls her eyes)

I didn't want to accept her offer but when I realized I was already biting her and having blood down my throat... What the-
-Girl: Good, you should be okay now...
-Zero: What did just-
-Girl: I'm half vampire half human... I'm Irene...
-Zero: I'm Zero, im-
-Irene: I know who you are... I'm part of your dad's group... It's a pleasure to meet the prince...
-Zero: P-Prince?
-Irene: Your dad is the strongest among all the vampires here in China, so that's why he's called the king... And as you are his son you are automatically, the Prince... Well with Sehun as well...
-Zero: I see, thanks for the information and the blood although I didn't want it...
-Irene: why is that? You should love it, it was an offer I did to the prince... I mean, I was just showing you my respects...
-Zero: But that's not necessary... (smiles)

Then Sehun came from no where

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Then Sehun came from no where... Finally we will be able to leave...
-Sehun: Oh I see you already know miss Bae... (smiles)
-Zero: You knew her? And about that Prince thing?
-Sehun: Of course... (smiles) And she gave her blood to you, that's a really honorable act...
-Zero: I see... Thanks miss Bae... (smiles)
-Irene: Just Irene please... (smiles)
-Sehun: Are you coming with us?
-Irene: Yeah, I was planning returning back...
-Sehun: Let's go then... (smiles)

After an hour flying we finally arrived to Shengshan... All the houses are under the vegetation... I wonder where's dad...
-Sehun: Right there...

We landed and entered the biggest house of all the island... Soon we were greeted by what seems like his servants... Soon they started mumbling, I thing that they were talking about me... Aish, I really hate this... Then all of them went silent as a man appears en front of me...
-Sehun: Father... I brought him, just as you wanted... (smiles)

I didn't know what would happen next, but the following thing I could notice was that he was hugging me...
-Father: I really wanted to meet you! (cries) You don't have any idea of how I waited for this moment... (cries) I'm sorry, I'm really sorry that you couldn't grow up with your parents...
-Zero: I'm okay, another family adopted me...
-Father: Everyone, music please... The Prince has returned! (smiles) Dear son, I know you probably hated me but I promise that you, with your brother, are the biggest treasure I own... (smiles) I'm really happy and glad to have you, and oh! You already met miss Bae... (smiles)
-Zero: Yeah I met her before...
-Father: We are going to celebrate this, we'll do a party today... Take the rest of the day for getting ready, my servants will take care of you... (smiles) Please, someone guide him to his room...

And just as he ordered, a boy guided me to a room... It was quite modern, it doesn't look like the other part of the house... I'm really surprised... Oh, and why there's a lot of people entering?
-Zero:Uh... Could you leave me alone for a moment? And where's Sehun?
-Boy: My Lord, we have to prepare you for today's party...
-Zero: But I need some privacy, just ten minutes... Please~
-Sehun: (appears) Let him some time please, he'll tell you whenever he's ready... (smiles)
-Boy: (nods)
-Sehun: Well, call Jennie... I know you are craving for it...
-Zero: You know me good, it won't take too much... (smiles)

That's how I started my week with my biological father... Can this be even more weird?

A Blood Thing - Jennie x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now