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I finally was accepted just a week ago after Zero's left...I was really sad that I couldn't celebrate with him... In other way, my friends were also accepted so we are going to train together!
-Time skip until 9 years after-

Now I'm 23 years old, I debuted 3 years ago and my group, composed by my friends Jisoo, Rosé, Lisa and I, became really famous and now we are having a break after a hard tour around the whole world... I think I'm going to visit my parents as I haven't seen them for a year or so...
-At home-
-Jennie: I'm back- Hey!

I was really shocked, a tall guy was just en front of me

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I was really shocked, a tall guy was just en front of me... And what is more important, that guy is him... Zero... Since he left I haven't known anything about him, he looks so surprised as well...
-Zero: Oh... You changed a lot! (smiles)
-Jennie: What?
-Dad: Eh... Jennie, you still remember Zero, right? And by the way, how glad we are to have both of you back! (hugs we two)
-Jennie: Yeah, I remember him...
-Zero: W-Well, I'll be going...
-Dad: Y-Yeah, I think t-that's the best... Glad you came son...
-Zero: Bye mom, dad... Jennie.

And he's going to leave again? He didn't change in all this time... And he even doesn't dare to tell me why did he left and where did he go, or at least, if he had been okay... I won't let this happen again, not again!
-Jennie: I'm tired, I'm gonna go for a walk I missed Korea... (smiles)

I started running after Zero until we arrived to the forest, he then started running like at light's speed and I wasn't able to catch him and just in a moment I was surrounded by some guys... When did they appear?
-???: Oh look... Someone came to our territory... And she smells so good (smiles)
-???: Wait isn't she his sister?
-???: Excuse me, are you Jennie?
-Jennie: Who are you? And why do you know me?
-Joonie: Sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves... I'm Namjoon, but my friends call me Joonie, and I'm Zero's friend...
-Jennie: Oh so he had friends...
-Jimin: Zero is really friendly and kind, of course he had friends...
-Jennie: I didn't have a chance to discover that, we have never been closed...
-Jin: My name is Jin, you are pretty beautiful but I'm even better... And in this state even more...(grabs my chin)
-Jungkook: Jin-hyung leave her, Zero-hyung will get really mad if you touch her... Remember that he has protected her everytime...
-Jennie: He always told me so, but he didn't explain himself properly...
-Hobi: You don't know the truth about Zero then?
-Jennie: What truth?
-Jonnie: Let's go, we should be away from her then... Just to protect us from your brother...
-Zero: Too late... What are you doing with Jennie?

-Jimin: Zero she was just running around the forest she could get lost

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-Jimin: Zero she was just running around the forest she could get lost...
-Zero: (sighs) Please, leave us alone...
-Hobi: Got it...

And in a moment they all disappeared...
-Jennie: How much train did they need to run that fast?
-Zero: Not too much... Jennie look, you should leave, this is a dangerous place for you... Return home please... Or maybe better, to your dorm...
-Jennie: No, I grew and now I want some answers... What happens with you? I'm not enough to be your sister? Did I do something wrong at past or-
-Zero: It's not because of you, it's because of me...
-Jennie: Then... What happens with you?
-Zero: Do I really have to answer?
-Jennie: Please, I need to know...

When it seemed like if Zero was going to answer, dad appeared from no where... Aish, wrong timing dad!
-Dad: Uh, Jennie! C'mon return home, you have to tell us about your tour and so... We are really craving to ask a lot of things!
-Jennie: Just if Zero comes to home with us...

Dad seems to know about Zero since he's now looking at him like asking what is he going to do...
-Zero: Jennie, I won't return-
-Jennie: Then I won't as well, I'll sleep here, in your dangerous place... Let's see what happens...
-Dad: Jennie you should do what he's saying... It's dangerous to be here...
-Jennie: Why is it dangerous? Huh?!
-Dad: Because of your blood dear...
-Jennie: M-My blood?
-Dad: Vampires could attack you for your blood...
-Jennie: Vampires? (laughs) They don't exist, c'mon I'm not a kid you can't prank me with that kind of stories...
-Zero: J-Jennie it is true... Please leave, someday I'll give you answers but not today...
-Jennie: It's impossible that vampires exist! Dont prank me! (sighs) I really want answers before my break ends, I'll wait for you Zero...
-Zero: (nods)
-Dad: Let's go Jennie before it gets darker...

And once again, he avoided my answer... I really want to know about what makes him want to be distant to me...
-Jennie: Dad, do you think that Zero hates me?
-Dad: Of course not, he really cares about you... (smiles)
-Jennie: Then? I'm sure that you know something about him...
-Dad: I think it's better if he's the one who explains everything... Now, let me do a question... Whatever happens, will you still accept Zero?
-Jennie: Of course I will, he's my brother!
-Dad: That's everything I wanted to hear... Now, enjoy your time with us before you have to return, we all missed you a lot!
-Jennie: I missed you too as well (smiles)

 Now, enjoy your time with us before you have to return, we all missed you a lot! -Jennie: I missed you too as well (smiles)

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Just as dad said, I started having fun with mom and him... And the days started passing, I didn't realize that it was my lats break day and Zero hasn't talk to me yet... He'll better do, or else... He'll definetly loose me... Forever!

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