The Alternant

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In Mark's car.

Mark: Kirsten, pipe down already.

Kirsten: Pipe down? Is that all you can say? Think about it. What are we doing? For all we know this "Rough" guy might be just as insane as Bruce.

Mark: Hey, just because someone is insane, doesn't mean we can't eat tacos with them.

Greg: Amen, brothah. Man, those tacos filled me up like a joint on a cold winter's eve.

Mark: And look, I'm being pretty cautious. I mean, it's not like I blurted out where Sami is to him like he wanted me too. I'm waiting to see that he's not a psychopath first. Besides, look at him on that motorcycle. See now that's cool.

Greg: Yeah, they don't sell motorcycles to insane people, Kirsten. Everyone knows that.

Kirsten: Mark, we're setting Mandrid up to get ambushed again... making it like she knows where Sami is when you and Greg are the ones who took him to the hospital. Don'tcha think she's been through enough? And how alive can Sami be when I'm sitting on his intestines here in the back seat of your car?!

Mark: Kirsten seriously, you're starting to get on my nerves. And if you're so concerned about Mandy then stop acting like Sami is dead... that's the last thing she needs.

Greg: Yeah calm down. Sheesh.

Kirsten: (scoffs) Fine, but don't blame me when we're all lying in our own guts at the club because Rough turned out to be sniper.

Mark: Okay everybody get out of my car. We're here and I don't wanna hear anymore of this, this...

Greg: This doodoo pie!

Mark: Exactly, you took the words right out of my mouth, Greg.

Mark parks. They all get out of the car and join Kaj as they walk into a nightclub.

Greg: Alright, let the clubbing begin! Hey Rough!

Kirsten: (sigh) Hi, Rough. So.

Kaj: So... what?

Kirsten: So, didja ya like those tacos?

Kaj: They were pretty good, yeah.

Kirsten: Yeah well, they make you fart.

Kaj: And?

Kirsten: And... they're not very good for you.

Mark: Okay, let's go party!

Kirsten: Mark.

Mark: Oh, what now?

Kirsten: Mark, aren't you going to ask Rough how he knows Sami?

Mark: Why don't you just ask him?

Kirsten: I would, but it's hard to trust people with guns nowadays. Okay, am I the only one whose just a little freaked out by all the drama that's happened to us?!

Greg: Dude, of course we're freaked out but come on, we just ate pulled pork tacos. That reminds me, I totally forgot to order a doggie bag for Giedo!

Mark: Kirsten, just go dance around for a little bit. All your estrogen is giving me a headache.

Kirsten: I dunno I mean, this alternative music scene seems a little tame for our guest, dontcha think?

Mark: What are ya talkin' about? It's rave night tonight at this place, not a grunger in sight.

Greg: Awe, no grungies... they're my favorite.

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