Chapter 5

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I smiled as my eyes got glassy with tears, I guess Theo noticed because he came over to me and embraced me in a hug, "You okay, Shai?" I smiled and nodded, "Theo, she really likes you, you know? She never warms up to someone that quickly. She still hasn't warmed up to Miles..." He kissed my forehead and smiled as Rosa came up and pulled on my leg. I kneeled down so I was almost face to face with her, "Yes sweet pea?" She whispered in my ear, "Can daddy stay here?" I smiled wide, "Of course he can sweetie. We just have to get him some clothes." Rosa smiles a toothy grin and hugged Theo's leg, "I love you daddy." He smiled wide, "I love you too, Rosa."

We decided to drive back to his house with me driving and Theo and Rosa sitting in the back playing, it's probably to most adorable thing I've ever seen. "Theo, where do you live exactly?" Theo was about to answer when Rosa cut him off, "Daddy lives with us mommy." I smiled and bit my lip as I looked back at Theo who spoke up, "Of course Rosa! But she means where did I used to live, which is in the apartment buildings on Fourth Street." I smiled wide at his answer as I turned onto Fourth Street. I pulled into the drive of the apartment buildings and we all got out, with Rosa begging that Theo carried her. I smiled as Theo picked her up and took my hand with his free one.

We walked in to a very messy apartment and I raised an eyebrow at Theo, he just smiled sheepishly and shrugged. I rolled my eyes, "Okay, Theo, what do you need?" He smirked, "Well I'll be needing everything if I'm going to be living with you guys." I smiled, "Okay, and what about this mess that you call home?" He smirked, "Uhm.... After set tomorrow, maybe you can come over and help me clean it up a bit so I can move out?" I smiled at that and nodded, "That'd be great, babe." I can tell he didn't expect that because he smiled wide and walked over so he could kiss my cheek.

Eventually we got all of his clothes out of his apartment and into the trunk of my car while Rosa ran around everywhere. Once we were done he came up to me, smiling, "So, Shai, since we," he stopped and smirked, "live together now, maybe we should actually be together?" I decided to tease him a bit, "Hmmmm.... I don't know, Theo...." I smirked as he pouted, "I'm kidding baby! Of course I do!" And then we were kissing, his hands at my waist and my arms slung around his neck, then we felt a little being, that being Rosa, pushing us apart at our legs. We pulled away and looked down. Rosa looked up, "Don't get me wrong I want a little brother but not yet okay mommy and daddy?" I blushed and Theo laughed and kissed my cheek.

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