Chapter one : A Start

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It sat there, looking at me and I took it.

When I say took, I mean remove and when I say remove I mean placing it gently in to my hoodie pocket and leaving before anyone noticed. Hoping luck was on my side.
Whose ever heard of such a thing?
Definitely not me. So when alarms started going off. I bolted.

Running. I was good at running. Sprinting. Faster, picking up the pace. Turning through side streets and alleys.
People starred at the boy coming out of an alley and into the bustle of the street. Running like a bullet agate. Trying to lose them. I was use to those who starred. They weren't going to make me slow or stop. The afternoon sun rays beating down on my head might.

Hands pumping. Feet sprinting. I turned my head. Check if there still following. Eyes locked for a split second. Internally cursing, I sprinted faster.

The air of the night was cool as I slowed. Sweat cooling on my face, as I suck in heavy breaths of air. Looking around the park I'd stopped in. Checking, I made sure no one was following or lurking. Double checking to make sure no one was sneaking up on me. I finally came to a halt.

"I hate physical activity." I whispered into the night.

Beginning to walk again I started making my way to my actual destination.

Hopefully he'll like his gift.

I took in my surroundings. Standing on a fire escape on a side of an apartment complex. There wasn't much to look at.
The walls were worn from weather, and the fire escape I was currently standing on looked like it was going to give way. All the windows around were closed, except the window above the fire escape was open half way.

I climbed higher. Hands gripping rusting metal, I hurled myself up. I stayed crouched. While dusting flasks of rusted metal on my jeans. Checking the window I noticed a dim light was on inside the room.
The clicks and clacks on a key board echoed around in the silence of the night, along with the rustle of paper inside the room. Checking again that no one was watching I knocked on the window frame.
All noise suddenly stopped. Footsteps came closer to the half opened window. A dark figure appeared before the glass was hurled all the way up.

A boy with tired eyes, and a ruffle of stray purple hair greeted me.

I smiled to the person on other side. I get an eye roll in return, while the other turns around and strides back into their room. I follow inside.

Now sitting on the window ledge, checking the room, I notice nothing had changed since my absence.
Cameras and recording stands filled different corners of the dark purple painted room. A bed sits in the corner to the right of me. A desk with a laptop perched on top displays a writing document with pens and paper littered around . A swivel chair tucked half in half out of the desk.

The dull yellow rug in the middle of the room hosts the boy cross legged on the ground.
I climb further inside and sit crosslegged on the bed. Stealing a pillow and hugging it to my chest, while leaning my head on top.

The teen continues to stare at me, probably thinking I'd start talking. He lets out a huff of air when I don't. He looks around his room before opting to lay down flat on the floor with a groan.

A small smile makes it way on my face with a roll of my eyes at his actions, before getting up with the pillow and sitting crosslegged next to him. He turns his head to the side to look up at me. Before looking up to the ceiling and placing his arm over his eyes in a dramatic position.

"What am doing with my life?" He questions.

Knowing it was a rhetorical question I answer anyways with a laugh that could be mistaken for a huff of breath.

"Honestly, no clue. I'm surprise your alive considering how much sleep you get along with how much caffeine you intake on a regular basis."

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