Chapter seventeen : yet I Still Wished

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"Sensei, Sensei, AIZAWA SENSEI !!" Someone shouted directly into my ears.

Opening my eyes, I saw Kaminari staring at me intently with a look of urgency across his face.

"Sensei the for-" he started before I cut him off.

"Is anyone injured?" I asked from my spot in the corner.

"Urh, well I do-"

"Is anyone dying?" I questioned again.

"I don't thi-" he starts before I cut him off again.

"Are villains attacking the school?"

"No, but sen-"

"Has the teacher's lounge run out of coffee?"  I cut him off again.

"Not that I know of, bu-"

"Then there is no reason for you to wake me up." I say, once again closing my eyes and snuggling back in my bright yellow sleeping bag and praying to whatever God will listen to make Kaminari go away.

"But sensei you don't understand the forest just exploded!" Kaminari explains in a rush.

I crack an eye open.

'I'm gonna have to get up, aren't I?'

I huff a sigh as I stare at my student in front of me, just noticing that he has a gas mask of all things covering his mouth and nose.

I decide to question that later.

"What do you mean the forest just exploded?" I say slowly, already dreading the answer.

'I swear if this has anything to do with Twist...'

"Well, Momo had this plan, right where we would all go in groups to different areas and plant these gas bombs everywhere, and when she pressed the button it would leak Neon gas, but instead of that happening in the forest it full on exploded with colourful glitter!" he explained.

'I knew I shouldn't have gotten up this morning...'

I sat up, unzipping my sleeping bag, and stepped out.

I left my sleeping bag in the corner and turned to face Kaminari, who was standing there wringing his hands nervously.

"Lead the way..." I finish with a sigh.

Kaminari nods his head enthusiastically before turning around and walking towards the door.

Once outside I look out the windows that line the side of the hallway and look out over U.A only to stop short and retake in the sight of the forest that Kaminari was talking about.

The once green trees and bushes were covered in a thick layer of multicolour glitter, bright pinks, oranges, and yellows were the most eye catching, though blue, red, and purple popped out here there among the overly bright colours.

A few students were cautiously walking towards it, all my students had gas masks covering their faces, along with most of them carrying different types of paint ball guns either in their hands or slang over their backs.

"What the actual living hell?" I whispered.

"Damn, it looks more impressive up here then down there..." Kaminari said beside me.

"When you said the forest exploded with glitter this was not what I was expecting..." I said to kaminari as we began walking again, though a little more quickly than before.

"What were you expecting then?" Kaminari asked, looking up at me as we walked down the stairs, his voice slightly muffled from the mask covering his face.

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