Chapter twenty-one : in a World of Black and White

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(Song in this chapter Moon by The Cab)

Sometimes there is a right answer, but that never stops people making idiotic decisions, at least in the future you can look back and laugh at yourself.

Glowing lights flickered as I tinkered with my contraption, the background noise of drilling and hammering continued without fault.

A continuous hum could be heard from the air drafts as they worked to suck up any smoke from left over explosions, that mainly continued to happen in the same corner every ten minutes.

"Come on you blinded thing why won't you just-" I mumbled; soot covered hands fiddling with the back panel.

A small explosion blasted into my face.

I blinked behind my safety glasses.

Waving my hands about to move the smoke away from my face, I quickly turning off my small device before it could explode again.

"Why the hell won't you just do what I programmed you to do?" I muttered to the seemingly undeterred piece of metal and wires.

Pulling my glasses over my head, I sighed heavily.

"Arhhh, Sen- Twist," Came a voice from in front.

I looked up to see a student.

All background noise quieted down a notch.


"Um, I've finished," They said, not making eye contact.

I smiled behind the mask.

"Lead the way!" I say with enthusiasm, placing my contraption in one of my inside sewn pockets when they turned back around.

Standing up from the swivel chair I stretch out my arms that cracked in certain places before coming around the desk and gesturing for the boy to begin walking.

Following the timid boy, I noticed how every other student was pretending to work but sneaking a peak every couple of seconds.

I stopped when we came to the supposed boy's workbench where a small box sat.

It was grey in colour, with symmetrical lines and shapes on each side.

'Hmm, size of a fist but would a pro hero use it?' I questioned in my head.

"Ticks the box in size but why would a pro hero use it?" I questioned the orange haired boy, where he was standing nervously, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.

"W-well, I designed it for rescue hero's in mind," He starts saying.

"Rescue hero's?" I echoed, looking back down to the grey box.

"Yes, it's obviously just a prototype, and I haven't tested it yet but... well it'd be better if I just showed you..." The orange haired boy said, picking up the box and....

Splitting it?

The grey box was now two rectangles, the boy placed one half on the table but held the other in his hand.

Little protrusions could be seen lining the edge, and a black triangle sat in the middle of the rectangle. There was a light flashing pink in the corner.

"The little protrusions that line the e-edge latch onto anything they touch," The boy explained, picking up a piece of scrapped metal that was on his table.

He placed the rectangle slab onto the metal, and it attached itself almost immediately.

"And, if I press this button on the side..." He said, pressing an almost invincible darker grey button on the side.

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