Chapter fourteen : Without a Place to Rest

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Whispers of explosions.

Yells of people.

A ringing in my ears.

Settling of silence that never stops.

Pain that creeps its way through my chest and head.

Not enough oxygen to satisfy my begging lungs.

A blackness that crawls towards my drooping eyes.

Colourless shouts and screams.

Lights that flash without rhythm in my pounding head.

Shaking of my shoulder, urgency in a voice that makes my heart race.

Ringing in my ears that resounds through my head, stops to listen to a heartbeat.

Soft rhythm helps the ringing, helps the quickening of my heart.

Doesn't stop my voice cracking.

Or the colourless void that wraps its fingers round my body.

Doesn't help my growing fear.

Fear is a friend.

Fear is a foe.

Fear will live and never die.

Fear will take over.

And take me to the colourless void.

One with a death sentence of everlasting life.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wake up with a pounding in my head, my heart quickening as I take in my surroundings. I curl into myself; tears form in the corner of eyes that I'll never let fall.

I try and breathe, trying to bring it back to a steady rhythm as I try and shake myself out of my dream state.

'Was it even a dream...?'

Phantom pain crawls around my side and over my face, a begging in my lungs for oxygen, I quicken my breathing, air coming in gulps. My lungs screaming for oxygen they don't even need.

Trying to set my mind straight, I pinch myself.

Real pain flares where I pinched the skin, slowly but carefully bringing myself back to the land of the living.

"Damnit," I whisper.

Pulling my knees up towards my chest, I rest my hands over my head.

"Damnit," I whisper again, my voice cracking halfway through the word.

The door creaks open, letting in the yellow hallway light. The door shuts with a soft click as I'm quickly blanketed in darkness again.

Soft padding of feet alerts me to the other person before I feel the bed shift under their weight. There's a hand rubbing my back and quiet humming before I launched into their arms and hold on for dear life.

Because it was both a memory a dream and what if it happens again and what if next time I'm gone forever. What if it's not me and its someone else. What if it's Zawa or Mic or Nem, what if its one of my new classmates I couldn't protect, what if-

"I can hear your brain cogs turning, when they don't need to be." Zawa whispers.

I manage a slight laugh.

We stay silent for a bit; my breathing starts to relax out as I just, breathe.

"Was it that dream again?" Zawa asks eventually.

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