Chapter three: A Tiny Bit

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Twist just stares at me, like really stares at me.

"Hibiki must of hit my head harder then I thought, because what he just said doesn't make a lick of sense." I hear him say quietly, rubbing where a bruise has started to form on the side of his forehead.

I ignore the comment, opting to push back my confusion and return to the task at hand to explain in a way that Twist would understand.

"All you have to know, is that once school starts up, Nezu wants you to attend U.A. in my home room 1A and help the students, while also being a student." I explain in a simpler form.

"Okay.." he said after awhile. He was holding onto the couches side like a lifeline. His eyes were looking everywhere but me. It looked as if a million thoughts were floating around in his head at once and he couldn't pick one to focus on.
I stare at him while he gets his thoughts sorted out.

Black hair with green highlights shaved at the sides in a undercut, leaving the middle and the front of the hair to poof up in certain direction and style. A knife scar starts from the left side of his chin and slithers over his neck and disappears under his hoodie. Bottle green eyes that usually stare me down while running over roof tops and freckles that are splattered over his face like an artist palette. This boy is always underestimated by pro hero's. With a slim figure and short height. Yet he's always 3 steps in front of you and can disappear off the map like a drop of a pin.

Seeing Twist without the mask that is always plastered to his face and in such a casual situation you would never know he's held lives within his hand.

"Anyway, i'm going to need you tomorrow tonight." I say.

Twist instantly perks up at that, he tilts his head to the side waiting for me to continue.

'He looks like a cat when he does that' I think to myself.

"Tomorrow a group of hero's will be raiding a major drug ring in downtown Hosu." I stop letting that information sink in then continue. "The Ringleader of the group is known as Predator, and is well known for his animal quirk. Since I found out your a kid I wouldn't ask for help, but... we're short on numbers and we're going to need all the help we can get."

Twist squints his eyes at me like he doesn't believe me.

"I have a feeling that there's an and in there...." he says.

'You really can't keep anything from this kid can you?'

"And..." I start making sure to look at him properly while talking "I'm guessing you already know this criminal which is why I want you to send me information about him , his lackeys , the area he works in , his fighting style anythi-"

"Fine." He cuts in standing up from sitting.

I stare at him in shock, 'he never agrees this quickly...' I think, before covering it up with a bored expression.

He walks over and opens the door before turning around, a smirk plays across his face as he walks out.

"See yah tomorrow night Zawa." He throws over his shoulder before closing the door behind him.

I continue to stare at the door for a good few seconds before picking up the empty takeaway coffee cup and throwing it in the bin in the corner of the room before leaving through the break room door. I make my way to the front where Twist stands at the front of the desk talking to a small child in front of him. The child is holding a book in both his hands tightly against his chest like a teddy bear and looking at Twist with stars in his eyes.

As I walk past them to the front door, Twist looks up at me and slightly nods his head in a good bye before going back to talking to the child.

I nod back before walking out into the slight bustle of the evening street.

As I walk along the side walk, I start looking around at my surroundings. Noting the small shops and groups of people walking around. The sound of music coming from a pub at the street corner as the street lights start to turn on.
Taking a right turn at a intersection I walk up to decent looking apartment building .

I walk up to the third floor and open the door 33. I instantly lock the door as quick as I can. Just as I'm closing the door two cats come running down the hallway and bolt head first into the door.

They look from the door to me and meow loudly. I smirk down at them while putting my keys in the bowl on the small table that runs down the hallway. I give both cats a scratch behind the ear.

"You should both know you're not aloud out side." I say to them.

They stare up at me like disappointed children wanting to go the toy store before trotting off into the kitchen.

I shake my head at the disappearing cats before following them.

'I could use a coffee anyway'.

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And done , it's a slightly shorter chapter then the last two but I hope you enjoy !!
Again sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes !

~ Ki-be 💜

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