Chapter ten : That Seem to Decay

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"Come on Twist, don't do this to me..."

I heard vaguely; a white noise still filled my head with static. There was a lot of noise in my head, yet there wasn't. My body was completely numb, yet I felt everything that touched me.

I heard noises beyond all of it.

Screaming, yelling. I saw lights flash beyond my eyelids. Red, yellow, white and blue.

And then the white noise suddenly stopped.

And I couldn't hear anything or see the colour beyond.

I felt hot, and too cold, like my blood was simultaneously ice-cold and burning.

There was no colour around me. Nor the feeling of wind or the kisses of sunlight. There wasn't anything at all. I felt nothing, and fall blown fear made itself known. A fear that reached the oldest, deepest parts of my mind that hadn't been felt since, since...

Since when...?

Nothing came to mind. Nothing at all, yet fear was there.

The colourless void suddenly felt as if it was rotating, moving in a way that I couldn't comprehend, spinning and spinning and spinning and spinni-

The white noise filled my head.

The colours had changed to white and blue. There was no yelling, but a mumble of a sound that intensified.

I felt as if I was moving. Going down, up and around.

Left, right.

Left, right.

Right, left.

I stopped suddenly.

There was a pinprick and pain returned. But it was subtle, like when I pinpricked myself on a needle when I was little, but a woman had made it better. A nice woman, I think.

I felt asleep. There was the colour black, probably.

I knew there was no colourless void or spinning.

But colourless sounds came from outside the blackness and covered me like a dome. A mumble that turned to talking, that turned to yelling.

A continuous noise filled my head as the blackness resided to the colourless void and the re found fear.

There was a light in there. In the colourless void.

A light that seemed to pulse to a time that was both too fast and too slow.

The light wasn't white or yellow, and the void wasn't black.

I knew the colour white, yellow and black.

From a person I knew, I think.

The light came forward. It moved in a direction that was too far to the right and too far forward at the same time.

The light stopped in front of me.

It spoke in a bitter grief and amused sorrow tone. With traces of comfort and pity.

"You must be Midoriya Izuku." The light said.

That sounded like a name I knew...

"I didn't think you'd come this early you know." The light said again.

What does the light mean by too early...?

The colourless light seemed to smile.

"You look confused, Midoriya Izuku." The light spoke with an amused tone, yet a hint of covered sorrow was buried deep within the words.

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