Chapter two : A Suggestion

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Sneaking out of Hitoshi's room wasn't a problem.

Leaving down the fire escape wasn't a problem. Walking through the early morning cold wasn't a problem. Almost having a heart attack by a dog wasn't a problem.
Forgetting you had a job and being already half n hour late was the problem.

I bolted down a side street, taking a short cut through an alley and bursting into the early morning crowd. Weaving through people with practise ease while 'I'm late' and 'I'm so dead' is on repeat in my head like a broken record.

Finally coming to an abrupt halt in front of a cozy little building between a cat cafe on the street corner and a local floral flower store. I grip the morning cold brass handle of the door and push. The jingle of a bell over head sounds as the door opens.

I'm instantly smacked on the head by a hard covered book.

"Jeez hibiki, watch it!" I exclaim, rubbing my head from where the book had hit.

"That was on purpose you idiot!" Hibiki yelled back. Putting the book on the front counter next to his coffee mug.
"That's what you get for being so late, where have you been anyway the store opened nearly a hour ago!"

"You think I don't know that!" I say, my arms doing motions through the air. "I ran as soon as I realised I swear."
We stare at each other for awhile before Hibiki let's out a laugh.

"I know you did , I saw you running from two blocks away." He's says going down the history aisle where he resumes stacking books.

"Are you serious!" I walk back over to him picking up the book stack and start passing them to him as he pulls out a step ladder out of a corner to put the books on the higher shelf.

"You were using your quirk to watch me run here and still hit me on the head with a hard covered book!?"

"Yes." He replies, stepping of the step ladder to put away once all the books were up.
"You know I can't turn it off when there's noise around." Hibiki says stashing the step ladder in a corner.

" I hate you." I grumble walking through the ails of books towards the back of the store where hopefully Sora will be.

"I love you to!" I hear Hibiki yell from the store front.

I continue walking down the ails, passing the kids section where colourful bean bags lay in corners and the occasional book is sprawled out on the ground. Two kids are reading the same comic in a corner while a mother reads her child an old fairytale in the armchair.

I open the back room door to see Sora, back towards me using her air manipulation quirk to take books out of boxes. I close the door quietly with a silent click and sneak up behind her. I end up just watching as she makes small hand movements to lift the books from the open boxes and put them in their respectful stacks. Realising she wasn't going to notice me I clear my throat.

Which ends up making her jump from her spot on the floor and drop the book she was moving, making her spin around so fast I'm surprise she didn't get whiplash. Once her eyes land on me she takes in a shaky breath of a laugh.

"Mido." She wheezes. "You scared the absolute crap out of me."

I let out a laugh at her reaction, going to pick the book up that she drop from the scare.
"Sorry." I say as I pick the book up "Couldn't help myself."

"Of course you couldn't." She retorts rolling her eyes, while pushing her light blue hair out of her face.

I flash her an innocent smile, while finding the history books and placing the book I was holding in it's respectable place. Once the book was place down I go back to helping out Sora, picking up the fiction pile and taking it out to put on the shelves.

I move back through the kids section to the front of the store where the Fiction aisle is. I see Hibiki up front coming out from behind the desk to help a middle age women with a book request.

Coming up to the shelf I put the books on the ground and start going through the different authors and putting them in their rightful spot.

"Hey Mido, can you watch the front for a sec? I'm helping Sora with the new books!" Hibiki yells from the back of the store his head popping up from behind the art section.

"Sure!" I yell back. "I'll just finish in the fiction section!"

Halfway through the stack I hear the jingle of the bells from the door opening. Still trying to make room for a book that wouldn't fit I call out without looking.

"Hi I'll be with you in a sec, your welcome to have a look around in the meantime!"

I don't get an answer in response, so I go back to trying to fit this stubborn book in it's place.

"Stupid book..." I mumble underneath my breath when I give up and place it on top of the shelf for Hibiki or Sora to find later.

Once I was finish with the entire stack I turn around to go back and see if the customer who came through needed any help, only to see EraserHead out of costume starring at me with a takeaway coffee in his hand with a picture of a cat paw on the front. If I hadn't had the fright of my life I might of realised the coffee cup design was from the cat cafe next door.

Leaning on the shelf beside me to get my breathing under control I glare up at the sleep deprived man.

"What. The Heck. Was that for ?" I say between big gulps of air.

He stares at me before taking a long sip of coffee before answering.

"I needed to talk to you." I look at him in utter sarcastic disbelief.

"Did you have to try and give me a heart attack !?" I whisper shouted .

"That was an added bonus." He said looking directly at me. Ignoring what he said I start walking towards the break room.

When he walks in I lock the door and turn back around and sit on the orange couch at the back of the room, Aizawa takes the green arm chair.

I stared at him wondering how on earth he found me before sighing.

"You've got 5 minutes to explain what you're doing here, I still need to work." I tell him.

Now it was his time to sigh. He places his takeaway coffee on the side table next to the arm chair and gets comfortable. Before looking back up towards me. 

"You've been helping underground hero's for a couple years now and your also getting well known with popular agencies around Japan. Many hero's are now looking for you to help them out in gathering info and helping them out on stealth missions by being their second eyes." He stops suddenly , apparently waiting for me to say something.

I clear my throat before saying. "Zawa ... What are you getting at exactly?"

He closes his eyes for a sec before looking at me and sighing deeply like what he's about to say he disagrees in and honestly that does not help me in the slightest.

"What I'm getting at is the fact that Nezu has taken of interest in you and he's been bugging me about it for weeks. So, when he found out where you work he told me to come down and offer you something."

He takes his coffee and drinks it all in one gulp before looking at me and saying.

"Twist , Nezu wants you to help him at U.A with the first year students, you are going to be a test for them by setting tests up all around U.A. during the first semester which includes three main ones." He starts listing them off his fingers.
"Stealth. Information Gathering and looking into the in between."

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Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes !

~Ki-be 💜

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