Chapter eleven : Out of my Bare Hands

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I sat there, listening into all the different sounds that escaped from the hall.

All the sounds outside the rooms. Where life still moves and goes on, no matter what happens life will always go on. No matter what happens life always finds a way to keep going. For the world to keep spinning.


Why can't life stop, just for a second and realise what it's doing. 

Why can't life just stop...

There's a window directly across from me, curtains parted to let in some natural light. There's one bed in the room. One bed to hold one person or child. 

After the doctor had told me that Twist was gone, everything just broke. There's no other word to describe what I felt or still feel beside broken.

The doctor that had told me that Twist was dead had gone on to explain that he was still breathing but the only thing keeping Twist technically alive was life support.

He said since there's such a little chance of Twist making it that there was no point in keeping the life support on but its proto call to ask for permission from a legal adult to take someone off life support, and since Twist apparently has no legal guardians, the doctors asked me.

I'd said that I wasn't ready to take Twist off life support and that I'd give an answer soon.

The doctor had left with a nod and Twist's room number.

That's where I was now, slowing breaking apart inside and trying to reason with myself that there's no way that Twist will survive. That it's a hopeless spark that I keep feeding that's still eventually going to go out, no matter how much I want it to blaze into a fire.

The chair I'm currently sitting on creaks as I lean back.

Moon had left to get more coffee and Mic had to leave to give Nezu the USB that was still in Twists ripped costume and surprisingly still intact.

I couldn't make myself leave the room.

The ever beeping of the heart monitor resounds through the room, keeping my own heart steady, because the beeping meant he was still alive. That he was still technically breathing. Still technically living.

I hadn't told Twist's friends yet. I don't know how I'm meant to. The two people that work with Twist were obviously his friends. But how are you meant to tell two strangers that their best friend was on his death bed because he was vigilante? You just can't.

But I knew I was going to have to find a way to tell them.


The door opens and I look over my shoulder to see who had opened the door.

A man walks in.

A man I don't recognise.

He didn't look like a Doctor or a nurse.

The man walks over towards the bed not once looking in my direction. He pulls up a chair from the other side of the bed and sits down. Sitting directly across from me. With only Twist as the barrier between us.

He doesn't say anything just looking at Twist, different emotions playing through his eyes but always leaving to quickly before I can get a good look at them.

He doesn't talk, so I don't talk. We stay like that for a while, I forgot he was still there in till he finally spoke.

"How are you going Aizawa?" The man asks.

Still not looking up to look at me. He continued to look at Twist with those emotions flying across his eyes.

When he says my name, I'm instantly on high alert.

'How the heck does he know my name?' I ask myself.

"Pardon?" I say instead.

"I asked, how are you going Aizawa?" The man questions, still not looking up towards me.

I shack my head a tiny bit.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?"

He continues looking at Twist.

"No, but I knew him." He says nodding his head towards Twists direction.

My eyebrows frown in confusion.

"That doesn't explain how you know me." I speak again.

"I guess not, but that's not important right now is it? Right now, I'm asking if your okay, and you still haven't answered." He says, his eyes still never leaving Twist.

I sigh, this wasn't going to go anywhere was it?

I lean back into my chair, breathing out and trying to relax.

"No, I'm not okay..." I say.

He hums. I guess it means for me to continue.

I sigh before continuing to speak.

"I don't understand, why life would do this to me and to him."

"He doesn't deserve this, he just a kid for pete's sake, he still has so much to live for, so much to experience and then life just suddenly decides to say that his time is up and hands him over to death." My arms moving as I spoke, pent up emotion coming through my words.

"Its not fair."

"Why can't life see that he's a boy with so much to gain by living. How's he going to experience everything that Life has to offer if he dies!" I yell in frustration.

Tears start to well up in my eyes as I begin to try and calm myself down.

"Why can't life just stop, and see what it's doing...?" I whisper.

The man stayed quiet through my rant, not saying a word or making a sound through my whole speech of emotions. Apparently during my rant he'd looked up from Twist because when I looked up to see if he was listening, his eyes were already on mine.

Gold eyes that looked through my very soul.

He smiles slightly.

"I know what you mean, how life throws lives away without looking back, without even considering what the outcome could be or what other people go through when someone in their lives they care about dies."

"But speaking from experience, just because someone is dying or has died doesn't mean they are gone."

"It just means that they are passing through the next step of living."

"It just means that life has decided that they are ready for the next step of living."

"and if that means that life has to give there lives to death then so be it, everyone goes through the stages of life, some earlier than others."

"It just means you'll have to remember them in till its your turn."

The man smiles a little wider.

"In till we meet again Aizawa." He says.

The man stands from his seat and makes his way towards the door.

The door opens before he reaches it though, and Moons there holding two of coffee in her hand. She looks at the man, who in turn nods his head in greeting.

"Kayama, so nice to meet you, so sorry I can't stay to chat I have more people to visit, toodaloo." The man says before walking out the door like he was never there in the first place.

Moon looks over to me in confusion, she walks over and hands me a coffee before taking the seat that the man was currently sitting on.

"Who was that?" Moon asks looking at the door.

"I have no idea." I answer truthfully, before taking a long drink of the hot coffee.

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So, can anyone guess who the mystery man was??
This chapter was mostly to get a feel how Zawa is feeling about everything that happened in the past few chapters.
Anyways, sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes!


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