Chapter nine : And a Million promises

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"Come on Twist, don't do this to me..."

I ran, Twist was a dead weight in my arms. The lights from the ambulances and police cars were starting to make my eyes hurt. The noise of shouting and yelling was everywhere but all I wanted was to make sure Twist got help.

There were people everywhere. So, I did the most logical thing I could think of in that moment.

I yelled above everyone else.

"Move out the way. I have a critical wounded person and he needs help now!!"

That got peoples attention surprisingly.

A stretcher was rolled in front of me and I gently placed Twist on top of it. I was pushed out the way as EMTs started rolling the stretcher away and yelling at each other.

I watched silently as Twist was loaded into an ambulance and driven away.

I stood there for God knows how long, silently watching the ambulance drive away before it was out of sight.

I felt a tug on my pants and looked down to see Nezu looking up at me.

"He'll be fine Aizawa, he's in safe hands."

I looked down at the principle of U.A. and couldn't help but not believe him.

"I hope so..."

Nezu smiles gently up at me.

"Now, come on Aizawa if we were all aloud to stand around and ponder in our heads no one would get anywhere, would they?"

"No sir."

"Good, now follow me, Present Mic hasn't stop screaming for you since you ran off into the building looking for Twist."

As Nezu walked away I silently followed behind, already being able to hear the yellow cockatoo from across the street.

"-ere is he!? He should be back by n... SHOTA OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY? ARE YOU HURT ANYWHERE? WHERE'S TWIST? DID YOU FIND HIM?! IS HE OKAY? OH MY GOD SHOTA I WAS SO WORRIED!!" He screamed as he tackled me into a watery hug.

I smile slightly at the sight of Mic being a goof ball.

"I'm fine Mic, and Twist is being taken to the hospital as we speak."

"Thank God..." I hear him whisper into my shoulder, he then pulls back and looks at me.

"Are sure your alright?" I sigh when he asks that, knowing that I won't get away from him in till I answer him with the truth.

"I'll be fine once I know Twist is fine." I mumble.

He just nods his head silently and leads me over to Midnight who's sitting on the back of an Ambulance holding a cup of something in her hands.

When she sees us approaching, she smiles brightly somehow and puts whatever she was holding down and pats the spots next to her.

I take the left; Mic takes the right.

She wraps her arms around us both.

"I'm so glad your both okay..." She whispers.

I lean into her touch slightly, emotions swirling around dangerously inside me.

'Why do I have such a bad feeling in my stomach...?' I question myself.

Midnight unwraps her arms around us and leans back on her hands.

A silence blanketed us as we watch everyone scrabbling around. It felt like we were in our own little time bubble, where absolutely nothing bad could happen, where my gut feeling is wrong and its just us three and the world.

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