Chapter twelve : Wishing for the Music

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I was bored. Out. Of. My. Mind.

Death was no where in sight and I was kind of just sitting in this none-coloured void wondering why I deserved this punishment.

Right now, I was softly singing Piano Man.

Fun Fact #1: I never sing, and I mean n.e.v.e.r. So, if I'm singing in your radius, just start running because I only do it when I'm bored. Out. Of. My. Mind.

Like I am now.

My Mum use to say I had a very soothing voice. I used to sing when Dad or Mum got home late from work, they used to say it helped them sleep.

Piano Man was my uncle's favourite song, so obviously he made me memorise it.

I guess it stuck after all these years.

"He says, "Son, can you play me a memory

I'm not really sure how it goes

But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete

When I wore a younger man's clothes"

My uncle said it held meaning and truth within the song.

Not gonna lie I thought he was high when he said that.

I Asked if he was at the time, he laughed and said I'd know when I was older.

La la la, di da da

La la, di da da da dum

I used to say I got the song, honestly, I still don't understand it.

Sing us a song, you're the piano man

Sing us a song tonight

I don't understand why this song was my uncle's favourite, but he used to get up from his chair with my aunty and dance around while singing it, when dad used to put it on.

It held meaning in my family at least.

Now John at the bar is a friend of mine

He gets me drinks for free

And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke

But there's someplace he'd rather be

For some reason Toshi comes to mind at this small verse.

I silently wonder how he is.

"Well I'm sure that I could be a movie star

If I could get out if this place"

I didn't notice Death appear behind.

I was too engrossed in my soft singing and boredom to notice.

Oh, la la la, di da da

La la, di da da da dum"

Death clears his throat.

I whip around to see him looking down at me from where he's standing. He sits down crossed legged behind me, so I turn around to face him.

We don't talk for a while, just sort of sitting there.

Its Death who speaks first.

"That songs by Billy Joel, isn't it?"

"Yeah..." I say quietly.

He nods his head a few times.

"I spoke to Aizawa." He says out of no-where.

My eyes are wide, I'll admit I didn't think he'd actual go talk to him.

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