Chapter 1

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He placed a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to look him in the eyes. I could feel every tear running down my face in a steady pace.

"I'm sorry Alex," he said.

"Sorry won't help," I said bitterly.

"You're right," he said.

All conversation was cut to an end.

Walking home today was kinda a challenge. Considering the one street that leads directly home was cut off due to police investigation. I mentally wanted to curse the person who decided that robbing the supermarket there was a good idea.

Now must be a good time to introduce myself. My name is Alex Crest. I live here in Gotham City. We're famous for crime here. I don't even live slums of the city or the rich part but the middle class part and we still have crime. You expect that the middle class would have a handle on crime. Well then you are wrong. While not as bad as the slums it's still bad comparing it to other cities.

Anyways I'm going home from the supermarket. I couldn't go to the close one due to the annoying dumbasses who robbed that place. Now I'm stuck with having to go the long way around home.

I try to walk past the street ignoring the officers that are still blocking the street.

"Excuse me miss."

I stop as soon I hear those words. I turn towards the voice. It was a cop who was talking to me.

"Is there anything you need officer?" I asked him.

I have to hide the annoyance in my voice. Police often don't like mouthy people. Trust me I know.

"Do you have any identification on you?"

"Yes I do," I say.

Pulling out my highschool I.D. I show it to the officer. He only gives a small nod to indicate I'm good.

"Tell me why are you walking past a crime scene?"

I click my tongue and answer,"Well this street actually is a short cut home. But now I have to go the long way home because of the street being blocked off."

The officer seems satisfied with this answer and motions for me to keep moving. I walk past him with my irritation at its boiling point. This whole stupid day has been frustrating. I wish I never had to go to the stupid store, get stopped by the stupid cop, and walk the stupid long way home. Plus these groceries are freaking heavy.

After walking who knows how many blocks I'm home. If I get chewed out for taking so long then I'm done. I dreaded going inside to find my mother ready to bite my head off.

As I opened the door trying unsuccessfully with two occupied hands I managed to get in the house. My mother was there and she was obviously pissed.

"Where have you been young lady?" My mother asked.

"I went to the store as you asked. The far one since the close one is still being blocked off for that robbery. Also on my way home I was stopped by a cop who wanted to know what my business there was for. I had to get out I.D. and everything," I summed up to my mother.

My mother went from mad to just sighing. She rolled her eyes and muttered something about the cops not being able to do their job.

"Hey Mom could I have some help with these groceries?" I ask.

Seriously they are heavy. I feel as though my hands are going to fall off. My mother seemed lost in thought before she heard me. She grabbed all the bags that filled up my left arm. She left the bags on the right for me. My mom had sent me to buy food for the next two months.

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