Chapter 10

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The car ride was awkward for me. I mean we didn't even attempt a conversation. It was more like we just occupied the same space. I spent my time looking out the window. And from the glances I had. Bruce was just on his phone.

Getting to the place was a different topic. I would've thought we'd end up somewhere fancy. Instead we're at Miranda's. I mean I don't mind, infact I love this place, but I never thought we would come here. Though I'm not complaining. I was dying for some burgers and fries and I didn't even notice.

Walking in I could see some stares. Well it was more like one waitress was staring at us. Well not us more like Bruce. It was definitely weird since I didn't like the attention we gathered.

I quickly sat down at the farthest booth in the back. This wasn't because of the people staring it was just that I do this all the time. Whenever Mom and I would come here we always went to the back. It always felt more private and we could talk about anything.

"Interesting choice," Bruce says.

"I always like to sit in the back. Mom and I would do this all the time. It felt private, well as private as a public place can get," I say.

Bruce doesn't say anything. He just sits across from me. I start to fiddle with my hands. I almost didn't notice the waitress from earlier. But I was aware of her presence as soon as I got a strong whiff of perfume.

It was a overbearing scent of roses. I almost wanted to hold my nose but I just went for holding my breath. I looked at the waitress. Her blonde hair was tied into a bun. I think her uniform was had one more button undone that it did before. I almost gag at that. Her blue eyes narrow in on Bruce. Her smile is obviously flirtatious.

"So what would you like to order?"

I think she's asking Bruce more than me. So naturally I chime in and say," I would like a double cheeseburger with bacon. Add some fries and a chocolate shake. What would you like Dad?"

I know I just said that I wouldn't call Bruce "Dad" but it was for a good reason. It had the desired effect. The waitress kept the smile on her but I could see she was annoyed. I also could see her searching for a wedding ring. I couldn't help but keep the smirk off my face. Even though she was looking for a wedding ring she wouldn't be able to see his hands since he kept them under the table.

Bruce looked confused for a moment. I mean I did just call him Dad. As far as he knows I wasn't ever planning on doing that. It was unspoken but we both knew me calling him "dad" wasn't going to happen. After the shock he recovers.

"I'll get a burger and a soda," Bruce says.

"You sure you don't want anything else?"

Is she seriously still trying? I guess the idea of a married man did nothing to stop her. When Bruce told her it was all she sent a glare my way. I smirked at her. Now you must be wondering why I did that. I just didn't feel like watching her flirt with Bruce. I would do the same thing to guys that ogled Mom.

I watched the waitress's retreating form with satisfaction. I could feel Bruce staring at me. I turn to look at him. His face seems a bit amused.

"Now what'd you do that for?" Bruce asks.

"Do what?" I ask, feigning ignorance.

"You know. You didn't seem to like our waitress very much. Any reason?" Bruce asks.

"It was just annoying how she was flirting with you. That's all. Plus she was bit rude," I say.

"Interesting," Bruce says.

"What's interesting?" I ask.

"You seem almost protective," Bruce observes.

"Maybe. I did the same thing when guys would hit on Mom. Those guys always seemed like bad news anyways," I say.

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