Chapter 9

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After a few days of being here I might of settled here. I have a new system for getting around. I finally memorized the whole house so I don't get lost. I've figured out everyone's schedule. So that way demon child and I don't have to see each other.

If your wondering who demon child is it's Damian. It suites him well doesn't it? Anyways I rather not talk or think about him.

So let me tell you about my life so far. I've spent a lot of time with Alfred. Damian and I bicker when no one is around. Dick sometimes has to stick around Damian and I in case we try to kill each other. The only nice thing about Damian is how he takes care of the pets. Seriously he loves Titus and Alfred the cat more than anyone else. Also he's a vegetarian and that kinda makes him more...human like? I don't know sometimes I wonder if he's human at all.

Oddly enough the only person that I haven't mentioned is Bruce. Yes I still refuse to call him "dad". I just can't wrap the idea in my head. Anyways I don't see him often. Scratch that, not often but like not at all. The only time I saw him was at dinner the night I came here. Other than that he's nowhere to be seen.

Speaking of not seeing people at night. I always wonder why I eat alone. I assume Damian might eat his food in his room to avoid me. Maybe that Dick might have other dinner plans. Or that Bruce is really busy. I mean he is running a billion dollar business.

And maybe Alfred is also really busy as well. Like he's washing dishes or cleaning up the living room. Or maybe I really am just baggage that nobody wants. Well Damian definitely doesn't want me around. Dick and Alfred try to talk to me sometimes. Even if Alfred is busy he still cares to ask me how I'm doing. Dick will just be friendly. Hell even Damian will say something to me. Even if he's insulting me that's still acknowledgement. But Bruce doesn't do any of that.

Right now I'm sitting in my big room all alone. I already walked around the entire manor. I haven't seen anyone in forever. I really could talk to someone right now.

I flip over onto my stomach while sighing. Then I remember my best friend. JJ. I haven't talked to her in a while. I don't think we've talked since the funeral. She's probably super worried or mad that I haven't talked to her.

I dial her number and hope. I can hear the phone ringing. I hope she picks up the phone. Then I hear,"Hello?"

I pick up the phone and say," Hey JJ. It's me Alex. I know you might be mad that I didn't call Sooner but my life went for another unexpected turn."

"Oh my God, Alex. Bitch I thought you were dead," JJ says.

"Sorry," I say.

"You better be," JJ says.

"Anyways what's the unexpected turn of events?" JJ asks.

"I guess it happened when I ran off," I say.

"Oh yeah. I was really worried for you. I wanted to look for you but your Uncle Ted said you'd be fine," JJ says.

"Well when I ran off I met someone," I say.


"My father," I say.

I then pause. I don't know how her reaction is going to be.

"Oh," JJ says.

"I know. The man I thought that didn't care about me actually did. He didn't know that Mom had me. And he told me himself that," I say.

"Looks like you finally got your wish," JJ says.

"So who is he? Your father I mean," JJ asks.

"He's Bruce Wayne," I say.

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