Chapter 12

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Today. It's happening today. I'm going to be thrust into the lime light like a baby lamb to the hungry wolves. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. I'm absolutely terrified. I have two hours before this thing starts and I'm freaking out.

"Turn around," JJ commands.

I do as she says and turn around. The only person keeping me from going insane is JJ. She's helping me with the dress, hair, and makeup. Shudders at the thought of makeup. I'm not one for looking like a girl. JJ says that I'm a tomboy and I may have to agree on some levels.

"You look amazing," JJ says.

"Really?" I ask.

I start to ring my hands together. I also bit my nails to stubs. Anymore and I would have started bleeding. Yeah I'm definitely a nervous mess. My hands are sweaty. No, my whole body is sweaty. I think I've lost like ten pounds from sweating alone. That's definitely an exaggeration but you understand how I feel right now.

"I promise you look amazing. In fact you look gorgeous," JJ says.

"You mean it?" I ask.

"Of course. Jeez I never thought I'd see the day that Alexandra Crest cares about her appearance. Usually you would have thrown some random black dress and put on a pair of sneakers and call it a day. Now your worrying over whether your make up looks good or if your hair is in tact."

"I really don't care about how I look normally but this isn't normal. I'm going to have rich people judging every move I make. Plus I don't want to embarrass Bruce. Cause the public will most likely blame him if I mess up. I would feel awful if that happens," I say rapidly.

I start to pace around. Though it's hard to do since this dress is so tight. I have no idea why anyone would wear this. I need to be able to breath and the fact that I'm hyperventilating is not going so well.

"Think about the upsides?" JJ says.

"What upsides?!!" I ask dramatically.

"Well for one thing, Cade is going to be there. Two your family will back you up. Three your brother is Dick Grayson," JJ says.

"How is that last one an upside?" I ask.

"Oops that was an upside for me. Number three is that I got your back girl. I always will until the day you die or I die. Whoever does first. The point is you don't need to worry," JJ says.

I start to calm down at JJ's words. Maybe I can do this. Maybe I won't be a complete and utter embarrassment. Okay I won't be an embarrassment and I will do this.

"Thanks JJ. I feel a bit more confident now," I say.

"Ladies, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. But Master Bruce would like you both down in the living room," Alfred says.

"Alfred why are you covering your eyes?" I ask.

"Just in case I see something I wish not to see," Alfred says.

"We're both fully clothed," I say.

"Well in that case I don't have to worry," Alfred says.

"Okay. We'll be downstairs soon," I say.

Alfred closes the door. JJ and I both look at each other and laugh. We have a giggle fit for the next two minutes before we head downstairs.

Once we're downstairs I see Bruce, Dick, Damian, and Alfred. I see Titus and Alfred the cat as well. I hear JJ gasp. Oh boy. I try to keep up with JJ as she speed walks over to Dick.

"Hello my name's Jacklyn Jean Richards but you can call me the woman of your dreams."

Dick just stares at her. I can see JJ's eager smile. JJ has never been a shy person. She's always been outgoing and extroverted. Sometimes this puts people off. But she really means well.

"Okay down girl. Give the man some room to at least process your existence," I say.

JJ pouts and says," You're no fun."

"And that's why you haven't been charged for stalking yet," I say.

"I'm not a stalker. I'm just a brilliant observer of fine specimens," JJ says.

"Right...and I'm the wife of Superboy," I say.

Suddenly JJ and I break out into laughter. I can see the confused looks on everyone's face. JJ can see it too. So obviously it makes us both laugh even harder.

"My sides hurt so much," I say between giggles.

"If you end up being the wife of Superboy that means I get to have Nightwing," JJ says.

"Aww no fair," I say.

"It is too fair. If you get a fine piece of..." JJ stops what she's about to say.

We both realize that we aren't alone in the room. Dick is still confused. Bruce and Alfred are amused. Damian just looks annoyed at both of us.

"Alexandra, you and your friend are embarrassments," Damian says.

"Yeah and your a demonic presence," I retort.

"Plus I told you to call me, Alex," I add.

"You two, lets not have a fight now," Bruce says.

Damian and I stop arguing. Damian glares at me and I glare back at him.

"So your JJ. Alex's best friend," Dick says.

"Why yes I am. I'm also single too," JJ says with a wink.

"And I'm way too old for you," Dick says.

"I can wait," JJ says.

"Okay JJ lets not shamelessly flirt with Dick. He has a girlfriend," I say.

"What a shame," JJ says.

I glare at her.

"All right, jeez. I'll stop. I was just having a little fun. Don't worry I already have a cute boy on my eye. I'm just waiting for him to get the balls to talk to me. Real sweet too but to damn shy," JJ says.

"Really. I thought shy boys weren't your type," I say.

"Well they are now," JJ says.

"Okay you have to tell me everything later. I don't think everyone would appreciate this conversation," I say.

"True. I don't expect a man to understand the art of talking about boys. The complexity of it all," JJ says.

I snort loudly. That was my attempt to not laugh. Lets just say it didn't work. I laughed and JJ smiled.

"We should probably go greet our guests," Bruce says.

"Fine," I huff.

JJ and I start walking away but Dick grabs me by the arm. JJ keeps going after I tell her too.

"Need something big bro?" I ask.

"Your friend is... interesting," Dick says.

"She's just teasing. She really wouldn't go for you. JJ's actually a lot of fun. Once you get past her constant teasing. I should know we've been friends since forever," I say.

"I was actually talking about her last name Richards. Is her father..." Dick tries to say.

"Don't mention her father ever," I snap.

"JJ has a hard enough time with her mother already. She doesn't need to be reminded of a father who keeps coming back into her life just to hurt her," I explain.

"Got it, no mention of her father," Dick says.

"I'm glad you have a friend like JJ. She seems to be the only person who makes you even slightly happy," Dick says.

Then he leaves me dumbfounded. Do I really look that unhappy to be here? I guess I do if Dick is worried about my happiness. Do I worry Alfred and Bruce like that too? I should probably ask them later. But right now I'm going to find JJ and Cade and try not to die. 

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