Chapter 2

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I'm faintly conscious of the fact that I'm screaming. I try to take deep breaths. My eyes are clouding with tears. My heart beats faster as I think about the gun that just shot me. I frantically look around to see that I'm in bed. I remember that it was just a dream. No matter how tough I acted I was still scared with my encounter with that gang. Even though Batman and Nightwing saved me I still feel like I'm going to die.

I can feel my legs shaking as they did right before Batman stopped that guy. I pick up my phone to see what time it is. It's five thirty in the morning. I don't have to get up until six. But I can't go back to sleep. Not after that nightmare.

I lift the cover off of me and try to sit up. I take a shaky step up and try to walk. My legs feel like lead. I walk out of my room and wander the entire house. Normally around this time Mom is either getting home or is going to work. I remembered she has the double shift so she probably won't be back until I come home from school. The life of a nurse. I definitely would hate having to work hours like those.

I find myself in the kitchen and seeing as I'm hungry it's perfect timing. I grab a bowel and then go get the cereal. I make a bowl of cereal and sit down at the table. I eat my breakfast in peace. It's weird to be eating breakfast when most people are still sleeping.

My mind wanders to different things. Should I tell Mom about what happened? I suddenly shake the thought out of my head. She would never let me out of the house again if she knew. Plus she has other things to worry about and she can't always be worrying about me. I love her too much to stress her out more than normal. I then think about telling JJ. JJ wouldn't freak out about it. She would probably just be jealous she didn't get to meet Batman. I don't know why but I feel I can't keep what happened to me bottled up inside me.

I finish eating and take my bowl to the sink. The dishes are piling up since they haven't been washed. Mom and I have been to busy. I have time to kill so I could wash them all. Plus it's one less thing for Mom to have to do when she gets home.

Time skip

It's currently six ten now. I finished washing the dishes. We don't have a dishwasher. I run upstairs to my room. I find some random clothes that are clean and put them on. Note to self, do laundry. I then run to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I then hurry to put shoes on. My bus comes as six twenty. In my opinion that is way to freaking early.

It's six fifteen now and I forgot my homework. I quickly run and grab my backpack. I shove my homework in there and zip it. I have to put on my shoes quickly. Soon I'm out the house faster than the Flash. Well probably not as fast as him but you get the idea.

I made it to the bus stop. The usual kids are hanging there as well. I see JJ walking up the street. I wave hello to her. She makes her way over and stands next to me. We do our "secret" handshake we've had since we were six. In first grade it was cool to have a secret handshake. No matter how many times we make fun of it we still do it.

"What's up Alex," JJ asks me.

"Nothing much, how about you?" I ask.

"Same here. Hey did you study for that math test?"

Math test. What freaking math test? We have a math test!?! See these are thoughts going through my head right now. I'm freaking out. I soon remember Mr Mill saying something about a math test. I totally didn't study for it. What am I going to do? Math is my worst subject. I barely can even get a seventy let alone a hundred. I need this to be a good score because right now I'm about to fail this class.

"I didn't study. I didn't even know we had one. What do I do? I'll never become a successful bio engineer if I don't pass. What good is a bio engineer who can't do math? And if I fail I'll be stuck working at a fast food place for the rest of my life!" I ramble out.

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