Chapter 17

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There are pros and cons of storming out of a cave.

Pro: I don't have to deal with the people I just stormed out on.

Con: I have no idea where I'm going.

I don't exactly know places you can go at... Well my phone is dead so I don't know. Yeah so this is happening. I know I could always go back to the manor but that would defeat my whole purpose.

I really have no idea where this road even goes. But in my blinding rage I already walked way past the cave. I don't exactly know how to back track myself either. I guess my only option is to walk the rest of this road and hope for the best.

I'm probably the dumbest person who has ever lived. I mean who storms out of a cave? Gets into a fight with Batman and walks away? Me that's who. I'm either brave or stupid. I'm going with the stupid option. This whole night has just been bad idea one after the other. Remind me to never have the urge to watch movies at midnight.

Time Skip

In some random miracle I managed to get back to the manor. Or at least the street the manor is on. There is absolutely no way I'm going back there. So I decided to walk to Cade's house. It's close by and a easy walk. I think it's my safest bet at whatever it is in the morning.

I'm trying to walk as fast as I can. This would seem like a safe neighborhood but this is Gotham. Even the rich, nice areas are in danger of crime. Heck I would think it would be the most dangerous with all the rich people. But with rich people comes great security. That people like myself are great at avoiding.

Did that sound suspicious to anyone else? Yeah I should probably never say that in front of another human being ever. I swear that I'm not a criminal. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

I'm outside Cade's balcony. I also have some pebbles in my hand. This is definitely going where you think it is. I throw a pebble hoping it doesn't break the window/door.

Three pebbles later and Cade opens his door. I see his eyes travel down to me.

"Are you insane?!" Cade shouts.

"Maybe, most likely, yes," I answer.

"It's five thirty in the morning. What the fuck do you want?" Cade asks.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," I mutter loudly.

"I can hear you," Cade says.

"That's the point," I say.

"Anyways can you let down your hair Rapunzel? It's freaking cold out," I add.

Cade rolls his eyes and lets down the rope. Cade has this rope in case he feels like sneaking out. Cade isn't much of a fan of being rich. In fact he might just hate it. He hates fancy parties and snobby people. So he often sneaks out of the house before his parents make him attend a party they're hosting or going too.

Anyways I grab onto the rope and pull myself up. If my gym teacher saw this she would probably flip. I pretend to be super unathletic because I hate gym. It works because no one knows that I do martial arts or that I'm not just some smart nerd. My gym teacher always tries to make me do physical activity and I thwart her plan most of the time. I'm really good at dodging gym class.

I hop onto the balcony and go through the door. Cade's sitting on his bed so I join him. It's about five minutes of silence before Cade starts talking.

"So why are you here?" Cade asks.

"I'm just mad at Bruce," I say.

"Why?" Cade asks.

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