Chapter 6

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I refuse to come out of my room. I only came out when we drove Jenna to the airport. As soon as we got home I slammed my door shut and locked it. Uncle Ted had to just leave my meals outside my door.

I know this may seem childish but I can't help it. My whole world came crashing down on me. Grandma Karen raised my mom to be a killer. I have a physco aunt who wants world destruction. Worst of all I might have to live with my father.

I know some people would jump at the chance to meet their fathers. In fact I always wanted to meet my father. I was always so jealous of people who had theirs. But now that I have that chance to meet him, I'm scared. I'm scared I'll be rejected. I'm scared he will only see me as a unnecessary burden.

I sigh and flip over to the other side of my bed. I take a look at my phone. It's been a week since I learned the truth. Mom's funeral is today. I feel the tears welling in my eyes. I'm tired of crying because it'll do nothing. It won't help me get back what I've lost.

I hear a knock on my door.

"Can I come in?" Uncle Ted asks.

"No," I say.

"Sigh. It's the funeral today. Are you dressed yet?" Uncle Ted asks.

I stand up from the bed and take a look at the mirror. The person staring back at me wears a black dress. Her eyes are puffy from crying. I turn to the door and say, "Yeah I'm ready."

Uncle Ted doesn't respond. I can hear his footsteps leaving. I lie back down on the bed. I look at the time on my phone. Only a hour until the funeral starts.

Time skip

I'm downstairs now. I'm getting my shoes on. I then walk out the door. Only to feel rain. It fits seeing as the occasion. I try to ignore the thunder as I head to the car.

It's silent in the car. The only sound is the rain hitting the ground. Uncle Ted's grim expression shows as well as his anger. It radiates of him. I see his knuckles turn white as he grips the steering wheel. It worries me to see her this way.

My thoughts drift to Jenna. I had talked to her earlier today. She was truly sad to not be able to attend the funeral. She seems to be miserable there. The abroad experience was suppose to be fun but instead it's filled with sorrow. I want to tell her to not feel bad but that would just be empty words.

I got out of the car and walked towards the burial sight. I saw many familiar faces. I saw kids from the dojo with their families. Mom was well known at the dojo. Everybody loved her there. She would make us snacks after our competitions. I saw JJ and her mom. JJ's mom brought her father along with them. He scowled when he saw me.

I wanted right there and then to beat the shit out of him. I secretly gave him the finger as I passed by. His scowl got deeper. I made eye contact with JJ as I walked by.  She gave me a little nod. I saw some of Mom's co-workers. I then laid eyes upon Mom's boyfriend. Well she would never admit to him being her boyfriend. But there he was with all her other co-workers. Out of all of Mom's co-workers he seemed the most distraught.

Uncle Ted and I took our seats up at the front. I sat down and watched the casket. The dark blue casket shone back at me. Mom's favorite color was dark blue. Now she was being buried in it.

I tore my eyes away from the casket. I looked at the priest in front of me. That hypocrite was talking about how wonderful my mother was. He always tried to say to my mother that it was sinful that she had a child while she wasn't married. It was always in front of me too. But since he was our priest of course he was  at the helm of the funeral.

I zoned out during his speech. I couldn't listen to the fake ness of his speech.

"Now words from the family of the deceased."

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