Chapter 19

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My life has changed. Anything I thought I knew was flipped upside down. I thought I had the just of what type of person Bruce was. I though that there was no more shocking facts for me to learn. No more surprises. Was that too much to ask for? Apparently the universe says yes.

So what were these life changing surprising? That's probably what's being asked. And your not alone as I'm asking as well. Well let's start with something simple.

I started my new school. Gotham Academy. I thought I would absolutely hate this place and I was right. I hate this place. I hate my math teacher and I hate Colleen Wren, my math tutor. She's not very helpful in tutoring me. Especially when all she does is give snide remarks. She looks down on me for having struggles with math. It usually goes like this.

"You know I'm pretty sure that math shouldn't be as hard as running a software for a robot. But I guess that you've proved me wrong."

I want to strangle her. But on a slightly related topic, apparently, my expertise at engineering and technology is common knowledge. I have multiple computer geeks asking me how to secure a software or if designs for a robot make sense. I had no idea that my reputation from Gotham North would carry over to Gotham Academy. The amount of people who ask for my advice treat me like some sort of technology goddess. I'm popular with the nerds and geeks. Which I'm totally cool with. It's nice having other people as smart as me to talk too. But then are other people I'm popular because my last name is Wayne.

It's annoying. I constantly have girls sneering at me for no reason. I have guys coming up to me to ask me out. Now I know that most people would kill for this but I hate it. I know people only want to hang out with me because my father is Bruce Wayne. No guys actually find me pretty they just like that I'm rich. And it's not like I don't know that no matter how many jealous girls get in my face just to say so. Honestly they're headaches. Also don't even get me started with the popular group. They want me as how they put it their "queen". Just because my last name is Wayne and apparently I'm "relatable" to the nerds. But fortunately for me that's only a small group of people. I mostly just hang with Cade and his friends.

I like all of Cade's friends. They don't treat me like I'm all high and mighty. They treat me like a normal human being. I'm super grateful for that. I haven't made any new new friends. I still have just Cade and JJ and I'm pretty sure they're all I need. I miss JJ terribly and wish she could come here. Speaking of JJ now we are entering the weirder territory. The oh my god what is happening part of my life.

So Mrs Richards has a new boyfriend. His name is Tony Castellini. He's a pretty nice guy. For one thing he doesn't hit JJ's mom or JJ. He actually got Mrs Richards into rehab for her drug addictions. JJ's mother doesn't look like a skeleton anymore. She looks more healthy and thinks rationally now. Tony loves Nina (JJ's mother) and treats JJ like a daughter. Yep, Tony is perfect in every way. Except for the fact that's he's part of the mob.

You heard me right, the mob. He's part of the Falcone "family". He's speculated to have killed ninety people and that's speculation. He's never been charged by police for any of the murders though. He's also fairly rich as he's up in the mafia food chain. I'm one hundred percent sure that all of his money is illegal. When you go over to the house he expects you to take a cigarette he offers as a sign of respect. Even if you don't smoke you still have to take it. He doesn't expect you to smoke it though. But yeah that's the problem I have with Tony Castellini. Otherwise he's a great guy. He's super relaxed and JJ actually likes him. Her only problem is that she's worried that they'll end up on a hit list. But Tony assures that won't happen as everyone knows not to target family. I hope for JJ's sake that's true.

Now you probably must wonder about Bruce's reaction. How does he react to his daughter's best friend's step father being in the mafia and especially Carmine Falcone's gang? He reacted like a normal person by banning me from JJ's place. Which I understand but it's totally unfair. I even had to defend Tony so Bruce wouldn't go over there and arrest him. Luckily for me he still let's JJ come over to the manor. I'm pretty sure we all know what would happen if he didn't.

I was surprised that Bruce took a liking to JJ. I would think that with her living conditions he wouldn't want me around her. Then again she was the only person who made me feel happy when I was adjusting and we've been friends too long to part. So he probably wouldn't mess with that.

So that was weird problem number one. Now onto the next.

The wedding.

The motherfucking wedding.

The almost union between Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle. Batman and Catwoman.

Now I was surprised. Even more surprised than the boys. I mean they found a way to accept it since it was obvious that Selina made Bruce happy. Hell even I could see and I wasn't even a member of this family till not to long ago.

I didn't have a problem with Bruce marrying Selina. He deserved to be happy and Mom told me that they mutely didn't have much feelings for each other. That they parted on good terms and as friends and not aware of creating me. That was fine. Besides Mom was going to marry her boyfriend so who says that Bruce couldn't marry the woman he loved. My problem was how awkward it was to meet Selina. She had no idea of my existence till the news put it out there. At least with the boys she had history with them. She knew them quite well and they could accept her for marrying Bruce. But me? She didn't know me at all. I would be her step daughter and she'd have no clue how to interact with me.

Now it gets even weirder. She wanted me to be a part of the wedding. Damian was going to be apart of the wedding so why not me too. It was just awkward because she didn't know me and I didn't know her. My own mother was dead and having Selina as a step mother was too soon. It would've been so awkward. So that's why I leapt for joy when Jenna told me she was getting married to Georgina her girlfriend of five years.

So then I had to choose between two weddings. Ultimately Bruce and Selina decided that I should go to Jenna's wedding. I was happy and also felt bad for being happy. Selina and Bruce assured me though that they were find with this. So I made my way to Japan where Jenna was with Uncle Ted. The wedding was beautiful and great. I had a great time.

Then I came back from Japan. Selina left Bruce at the alter. Something about Batman not being able to be Batman if he was happy. I felt bad for Bruce. He was distraught. I wanted to make him feel better but I couldn't. Then it got even worse, but before that I have to mention a person I had met before the wedding fiasco. I met Tim Drake. The one who was supposedly dead but was actually being held captive by someone called Oz. That was a very weird meeting and I felt we should address that. I like Tim a lot more than I like Dick, Jason, and Damian.

Which now I feel really bad for saying considering what happened to Dick and Jason. In what was probably the worse turn of the century, Dick gets shot in the head. He survived but has amnesia. He's not Nightwing anymore and not even Dick Grayson. He's now Ric Grayson.

Bruce took this the hardest. His son was shot in the head in front of him. And it affected everyone else as well. Damian was depressed as well. I didn't think it was possible for him to be depressed but he was. I saw changes in the others as well. I wasn't close with Dick. Hell I wasn't close to anyone in this family. I was a outsider peeking in. I honestly had no clue what to do. Bruce was a mess with everything. Damian had run off and gone renegade with his Teen Titans friends. I think Tim went to college. And Jason...well he tried to kill the Penguin. I think it had something to do with his actual father.

But that doesn't top what's happening now. Bruce is gone. Our whole family is gone. Bane has taken over the city and some twisted version of my grandfather has taken over. He's ruthless with how he deals with criminals. He kills them. Gotham Girl is his Robin. While the real Robin has been kicked out of the city. Nobody outside of Gotham cares what is happening.

Other heros are government ordered to back off. That includes everyone in our family. Dick or Ric, Jason (if he even wanted too), Tim and Damian can't even set foot in Gotham. Meanwhile Alfred and I are prisoners in our own home. Life is going great right now. Not.  

A/N I changed the ending to reflect the actual comics as this is what going on in Tom King's run on Batman. I wanted to have Alex Wayne full in continuity. Even if I hate this arc I have to reflect it as that's what was promised. I'm sorry. I'll try to work around it. But maybe we can get some cool interactions between Flashpoint Thomas Wayne and Alex. Again I'm sorry.

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