Chapter 7

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Today is the day. The day I move in with my father. It's so weird calling Bruce Wayne my father. It's even weirder leaving Uncle Ted's apartment. But it has to be done. No matter how much I wish it didn't.

"Are you ready to go, Alex? Bruce will be picking you up," Uncle Ted tells me.

"But I thought you were going to take me?" I ask.

"Bruce and I thought it better if he got you instead of me driving all that way," Uncle Ted explains.

"Oh, okay," I say.

"Do you want breakfast?" Uncle Ted asks.

"Sure," I say.

Uncle Ted goes into the kitchen. I wait by the stairs. I stare at the window looking for any sign of Bruce Wayne. I'm not really sure why I'm looking for him but I am.

I go to the kitchen as Uncle Ted calls out about breakfast being ready. I sit down at my seat. Uncle Ted made bacon and eggs. I absolutely love bacon but I'm not much of a egg fan.

Let's be honest here. I'm really just stalling the inevitable. The inevitable of when Bruce comes to get me. I would call him "Dad" but it doesn't feel right if I do. Unfortunately I can't stall anymore. He's here now.

I can hear the honking of a car. I walk out of the kitchen and to the front door. My suitcase is by the door. I breathe in then out and open the door. I walk out expecting to see a car. Instead I see a limo.

My jaw drops. I mean I knew Bruce Wayne was rich. I just wasn't expecting a limo. Maybe a really fancy car. But a limo? That wasn't even in a realm of possibilities for me.

Suddenly a older man or gentleman gets out of the car. He tips his hat at me and says," Hello there Miss Alexandra. My name is Alfred Pennyworth. I'm the Wayne's butler. Pleasure to meet you miss."

I just gape at him. I've never really heard anyone with a real life British accent. It was always on TV. Also I've never heard anyone refer to me with my full first name. Everyone has called me Alex, Crest, or even Ally. But no one has ever called me Alexandra except maybe Mom when I was in trouble.

"Nice... to... Call me Alex please. No one ever really calls me Alexandra," I tell him.

"Well then so be it, Miss Alex," Alfred says.

"You know you don't have to call me "miss" either," I say.

"Well Miss Alex you are a Wayne after all. I should give you my utmost respect," Alfred explains.

"Okay. Whatever floats your boat," I say.

At this Alfred raises a eyebrow at me. I copy him and smile when he looks back in surprise. Soon that smile turns into a giggle, then a bit of stifled laughter. Soon Alfred clears his throat. I stop laughing.

"Well Miss Alex, Master Bruce is expecting me to drive you to the manor. From then on Master Bruce and Master Dick will give you the tour," Alfred says.

"That sounds fine by me," I say.

I lift my suitcase and start walking towards the car. But I don't reach the car as something is holding me back. I turn to see that Alfred is holding on to my suitcase as well.

"I'll carry that for you," Alfred says.

"Thank you but I prefer to carry my own suitcase," I say.

Alfred just nods and lets go. The trunk is open and I place my suitcase in there. I then walk to the passenger side of the limo. Alfred then opens my door for me and I shrug and get in.

Alex WayneWhere stories live. Discover now