It Went Downhill

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I turned toward the door, and Banks brushed his fingertips against mine. It was like we were in some kind of romance movie or something. My eyes gravitated towards him. I wanted to gaze into his blue eyes again, yet I kept forward and headed straight for the door.

The cool, brisk air of the night slid over my face and slight snow flurries came down from the deepened blue sky. A few seconds later, Piper came outside and parked her butt in the car. She wouldn't say a word to me.

When we got inside, Piper took no time to confront me. "God, after everything she told you, you go ahead and do that!" Her hands beat the steering wheel like it deserve it. I twisted my body in the seat so I could look at her in the eyes.

I tried to justify my actions. "She left me alone with him. I thought it was completely innocent... until it wasn't. And you said it was fine if I liked him."

"Not in front of her. He was touching you and holding your hand and-," she interjected.

"I- I know and I should've stopped him, but you know how he is. He made me feel so... I don't know. It was hard to push him away." And honestly, I didn't want to.

"Cece cried on your shoulder and talked to you about how much she liked him." Piper glared at me.

I sighed, "Yes, but you said to give him space and let him come back to her. Well, he came to me. I didn't force him, and he didn't talk about her or even look that way! Celia even said that he flirts with everyone! I wasn't trying to," my words fizzled out into a grunt.

Piper stopped at a stop sign, "I didn't tell Celia this, but I know, for a fact, that he isn't into her like that. I know he doesn't like her. Celia knows that in the back of her mind too. But still, she's not ready to see him move on, especially with someone she considers a friend, Daya."

A honk from the car behind us made me jump in my seat and Piper started driving again. "I thought you wanted to take a break from dudes." Piper was speaking very calmly towards me even though I could tell she was still fired up.

"I need to, but he just snuck up on me. I still don't know what I'm going to do about Jay. I'll tell Banks that I need time alone. I'll tell Jay and Brian. I might as well write it on my forehead and save my breath." I threw myself against the back of the seat.

We pulled up to my house and I traded the drama I walked away from for the family emergency that was happening at home.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Tell Celia I'm genuinely sorry. She's not going to listen to me." I said to Piper through the window.

"I will. Good luck, Day." She saluted me before speeding off into the night.

I walked into my house expecting the walls to crumble into debris and for the house to implode. But not a hair was out of place.

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