7. Talk

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There they were sitting, an awkward silence slipping through the wind.

"I don't understand. One time we bumped into each other, the second one I perhaps sca-- I mean you pushed me away, then we meet again and it's all forgotten, and yet again you tell me your name."

Taehyung could not be more confused. It happened so many times now that it could not just be a coincidence. Jungkook smiles. This is not a first time at all. But for once, he is willing to trust. To be patient also, and to explain. He feels at ease somehow, he follows his instincts. All the while, ChungHa was telling Jungkook to be careful over and over. However, he released a sigh and began his speech. He will react how he wants to.

"I have Dissociative Identity Disorder. In short, I share this body with other personalities, generally called 'alters'. Well, I'm also technically an alter. But yeah..." At the end, Jungkook was not sure anymore if he wanted to continue, seeing Taehyung's agape mouth.

Something popped up in Taehyung's mind. Like the idea we could see in movies of different souls in one body. On his part, he started believing it was tough, and sad for his soulmate. He thought his alters were a hindrance. A hindrance for Jungkook to live as any other regular human would live. Taehyung dared to ask.

"Don't you... Want to get rid of them?" He said carefully. Taehyung considered it to be a rude question, and his wolf reacted growling against him. 'Mate not at ease'

Well, the few times when Jungkook had been asked that question, he would get angry. Even if he did not appear through his facial traits.
But strangely enough, Jungkook's stare gained in motivation, but it would not go in Taehyung's way.

"I'll stop you right there. It might be awfully difficult at times, but it's how I learned to live. How we learned to compose with life. I guess that our brain is used to coping his way, and this family of alters that I have, I wouldn't ever let it go."

Taehyung had wide eyes. Jungkook explained himself while giving him a colprehensive smile.

"Just because everyone lives as a single personality in one body doesn't mean that I should. Mental disorders are often said to be something you must dissolve. But we -for the most- like it this way, and we aren't able to deal alone with the life we were given. I want to stay with them. And most of them want to help each other in this system. We are a multiple. And it's gonna stay like this."

Taehyung nodded calmly at my explanations. "If you want it, I guess it' s for the best." Then he plunged his black orbs into Jungkook's, and a large shiver ran down his spine. Unknowingly for him, the same happened to Taehyung. For a second, he also spotted a shift in Taehyung's eye color. It was almost as if something was moving in them since earlier.

"Can you tell me more about you then?" Jungkook asked. The question surprised Taehyung quite a bit. He would have to modify the truth, at least a little. Let's avoid the werewolf thing for the moment.

"Oh sorry, I should return what you did so nicely. I live in a special family. We are strong in sports, and my relatives always succeed in what they do. I'm a working man, in fact I work in the entertainment in an office. But life gets so boring that sometimes, I just go in the woods for a run. Maybe something's still missing in my house." Taehyung pondered. Jungkook did not understand the reason of the last sentence.

"That's not gonna be me" Jungkook answered while laughing nervously.

"I guess so... But if that can reassure you, even my family can seem like they have multiple personalities sometimes. On a regular basis, I could say that they transform into someone else." The werewolf put his mate on the road of the truth. He wanted him to be ready, in case of emergency.

To that, Jungkook whispered. " People change, moods change. Everything changes." He inhaled at this point.

'Not everything' thought Taehyung.

"... Would you like us to stay in touch?" Asked Jungkook to the blue haired-male.

Both shared the brightest smile they had in a while.


I put three song references in there!

MULTIPLE v.kook Dissociative Identity DisorderWhere stories live. Discover now