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Lucy's  Pov:

'Oh my god!' Is all I hear the second before I hit the floor.

I'm down for barely even a second before I hear someone's hand go behind my head and pull me up slightly looking at me dead in the eyes full of nothing but complete concern.

'D-did I walk into you?' I asked the boy.

'Erm.. no I think we kind of both walked into each other. I'm sorry. Are you hurt?' He replied. His voice was so full of worry. It was also so soothing at the same time.

'No I'm ok.' I reply as I begin to sit up a little as I realise he was holding all of my weight.

As I sit up everything begins to spin and I get a sharp pain in the side of my head. I arch my body over and grab the side of my head.

The boy instantly moves forwards and takes my weight again grabbing my hand and moving it away from my head.

'Oh my god.. that's a pretty deep cut. I think you need stitches' he said in shock.

Great. I didn't know where I was or where the girls were and I have no way of getting too the hospital.

'Is their anyone I can call too come and get you?' He asked.

'Well.. I've actually just came out of an interview.. i came here with my two best friends but we didn't drive and I have no idea where they are. They went off for the day and I have no idea how I'm going to get too the hospital.

A slight tear left my eye as I began too realise how alone I was and how many words just flew out of my mouth without me even realising. I'm sure he doesn't care.

I'm snapped out of my thought as the sound of him breaking the silence catches me off guard.

'Hey.. rye. I need you too come pick me up by the café near the cinema. I need too go too the hospital.' He began too say. 'What? Yeah yeah I'm fine. It's someone else.'

Who's rye?

I managed too pull myself up and he stood up and began too look down the street. I assume he was waiting for this rye person too get here.

He dresses really nicely. And his hair looks so fluffy. It sits in a position that just looks perfect. But on others it may not look as good. It's a look that only suits a few. And it does suit him.

I respect how kind he has been too me. And how kind his friend was for coming too get us when he doesn't even know me. I assume they're very close friends.

I reach over too my phone that was lying on top of my bag that he had kindly moved closer too me and I checked my phone.

I opened the group chat too a photo of the girls both smiling ear too ear with a message attached from becca

Becca x- OH MY GOD YES!!!! WELL DONE GIRL!! We love you and are proud of you xxxxx

I smile down at my phone in awe of how loving and supportive my friends were throughout everything.

I realise I should probably tell them what has happened seems though I'm off too hospital while they're 'shopping till they drop'

As I go to text them I see the photo once again and laugh too myself. However, this time the laugh is filled with a hiss of pain coming from my mouth. My head has shooting pains going straight though it.

The boy rushed over too me straight away and checked that I was okay. He thinks it was because I was looking at my phone for too long and that it was a bad idea.

And with a headache like this. He probably isn't wrong.

About a minuet later a car came flying round the corner and pulled up next to me and the boy.

He opens the door and gets in himself before holding out his hand helping me climb in the back along with him.

'Hiya I'm rye.. and this is andy' the brunette said as he signalled his hand over towards the blond sat in the passenger seat.

'Hi, I-I'm lucy' I reply shyly.

I see the boy next too me smile as I say my name. I've got no idea why though?

'So... Lucy... what on Earth happened and are you okay?' Andy asked me from the front.

'She was walking and so was I, and we walked into each other and she hit her head on the ground' the dark haired boy sitting next too me said.

'Hey! Your name isn't lucy' I said nudging him as we both giggle at my comment.

'No it isn't..' he said. 'But for the record....' he began to lean closer too my ear.

'Hi, I'm jack'

Hope you enjoyed it , be sure to vote x

Peace and love
-Megan x

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