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Lucy's Pov:

I began to see signs that signalled the direction for the hospital so I gathered we were pretty close. The radio was playing in the car. But only loud enough so Rye and Andy could hear as they didn't want too effect my headache.

After a while i started too get quite light headed and a sick feeling hit my stomach. I wasn't sure what else to do so I just wound the window down and leant my head backward on the headrest as I try too take in as much fresh air as I can.

Jack moves over as he sees how uncomfortable I look and he leans over too me.

'Lay your head on my shoulder and try too relax, I'll keep the window open for you it's okay'

A slight smile emerges across my face but not enough for him too notice as I readjust myself and lean on jacks shoulder.

we stay like this for about 10 minuets as I just embrace all of the rest that I can at that moment in time.

'Thankyou' I mutter as I look up at jack.

For what?' He questioned.

'For everything, you could have just said sorry and walked off. But you didn't and you actually stuck by me and checked how I was.'

I hear him chuckle too himself as I say this.. 'well.. couldn't leave a pretty girl like you down on the ground now could I.' He says with a slight smile across his face.

I laugh at him and shake my head and then return too the comfort I was in until we arrived at the hospital.

'Oh hey, give me your phone.' Jack said out of nowhere.

'Why?' I asked, slightly confused.

'So I can text your girls and tell them where you are. They're going to want to come too you but I'm not having hot looking at your phone screen any longer I don't want you getting any worse.' He replied.

I say nothing I just smile up at him and hand him my phone.

'Seems like the girls are proud of you' he says while letting out a slight laugh as he sees the photo they'd both sent me in the group chat.

'Haha yeah, they're so supportive. But I'm telling you now, when they hear this story, they'll be laughing' I replied with a grin.


We arrived at the hospital and I was seen too straight away. Due too how hard I hit my head, judging by the gash on my head, they asked if I could stay overnight.

Jack went outside for a minuet with rye and Andy, I had no idea why, but when he came back in he was alone.

'Where are the- oh Thankyou very much doctor- where are the boys?' I asked as the doctor was leaving my room.

'They've gone home'

'Home? How are you going too get back?'

'Me? Oh no. Not a chance I'm staying here till tomorrow. I'm not leaving you on your own.'

'Oh jack don't be silly, the girls will stay.'

'They can't. I spoke too the girls, they can get here in an hour and a half but they can't stay long, they have too he at the hotel to check in and they're the two that signed the paperwork so they both have too be there. So yes I am staying here weather you like it or not'

'You're too sweet, you don't even know me and you're being so kind and considerate towards me' I reply with a wider smile than before. I was glad he was staying.

'I'll get too know you one day. I promise you that'.

I have plans for this ok just gimme time

Peace and love
-Megan x

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