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Lucy's Pov.
Last night was honestly so lovely. It felt nice to spend time with jack under different circumstances. I felt like I saw a different side of him. A side I liked.

I can't deny the fact that I'm falling for him. But I can try. However, knowing I'm coming back too him soon makes it so much harder to lie to myself.

The back end of the night was a little messy. Rye came and collected us and jack walked me to my hotel room, when I got in I heard crying and heaving. Sounds like someone was out drinking tonight. So I basically spent the night aiding my drunk bestfriends.

This morning I was adamant that I was going to see jack one last time before we left. I'd only known him a short amount of time but I already didn't want to leave him. This was weird.

As for Shannon and becca... they decided not to move from their beds until we had to leave at 3pm to drive home.

I went out too the shops to pick up some painkillers, junk food and coffee for the both of them and I left it on the bedside table with a note.
Hope you girls had fun last night. I've popped out too the shops, might meet jack later before we leave. Get some rest, I'll be back about 2.45. Love you.
-L x

After writing them a note I headed into the bathroom and grabbed one of my many scrunchies and tied my hair back into a high ponytail, grabbed my bad and phone and left to go round some shops.


The time was now 1:10am and I was getting quite bored of walking round on my own, London doesn't seem all that great when you've got no company, especially when you don't fully know where you're going.

So I decided to text jack..

Lucy: morning, you free by any chance? x
Jack: morning, yeah I am why? Is everything okay? x
Lucy: yeah everything's fine, it's just.. you heard the state the girls were in last night.. they're spending the day in bed recovering and I don't really feel like spending my last day on my own x
Jack: where are you? I'm coming now x
Lucy: near the cinema, ill wait for you near the main doors. Thankyou so much x
Jack: anything for you x

After reading jacks last message and probably smiling slightly too much I lock my phone and sip on my water as I wait for jack to arrive.

After about 10-15 minuets I see jack walking towards me looking absolutely gorgeous. He was wearing a white hoodie with black ripped jeans and some vans, his hair slightly ruffled with a few loose curls falling over the tops of his eyebrows. Wow.

'Hey, you okay?' Jack asks as he takes me into a hug.
'Hey, yeah it's just really loud round here.' I reply, slowly gaining a slight headache.
'Come with me?' He asks. I simply nod in reply and walk beside him.

We were walking for about half an hour with a few little conversations here and there but we were mostly walking in silence.

Comfortable silence.

One thing I did notice however was that jack kept glancing at me and smiling. I could see him out of the corner of my eye. The next time he did it I looked down at the ground and chuckled too myself as I could feel myself going red.

'What?' Jack asks laughing back at me.

'Oh nothing, are we almost there?' I reply, swiftly changing the subject.

'We're here' jack replies as he reveals such a stunning fields filled with some of the most gorgeous flowers. He knew the best places around here.

'Wow.' Is all I can say before he grabs my hand... runs across about half of the field to where there's an empty patch of land. Without hesitation he pulled me down by my waist making me sit right in front of him just like yesterday.

I felt happy here. I was safe.

I was laying on his lap with part of my head resting on his stomach plaiting the ends of my hair as he sat up looking directly at me.

'You okay?' I ask, starting a conversation.

'I am, why do you ask?' He replied in question.

'Because you're either staring or zoning out' I reply with a light laugh following it.

'I'm not starting, I'm admiring, you're beautiful' he replies as he smiles and begins to play with my hair.

I simply smile back and go back to plaiting my hair and watching the world go by.

We stay like this for about half an hour when jack finally shifts his body upwards causing me to sit up, he looks directly at me and gives me a half hearted smile.

'jack what's wrong?' I ask knowing that he's not okay.

'I just don't want you to go that's all. But I really am glad you're coming back. I'm just going to miss you I guess' he replies looking down at his hands as he begins to fiddle with the ends of his jumper.

I embrace him in the biggest hug and place my head in the crook of his neck.

'I'm going to miss you too.. but once I'm back you're got going to be able to get rid of me so take the peace, quiet and sanity while you can' I say still hugging him. I hear him slightly chuckle as I sit up and check my phone.

2:25... shit. I need to go.

Jack just looks at me and he can tell by the expression on my face that I have to leave. Both of us grow sad looks on our face but we know this isn't the end of... whatever this is.


We get back to the hotel, the girls are up and ready, just about, and are waiting in the lobby for me.

'You ready luce?' I hear Shannon shout as her and becca bring all our things out and walk towards us.

'Yeah I'm ready. Walk me too the car?' I say, directing the last part at jack. He nods in response and grabs my bags from shannon.

He's the sweetest.

We pack the car and the girls both get in and Becca's already plugged her phone into the aux cable which means she's in control of the music. God help us.

Right before i get in the car I turn to jack, smile, and give him the biggest goodbye hug ever.

'Ohhh I'm gonna miss you' he muttered.

'I'll miss you too but I'll be back, it'll come round soon enough.' I reply, sounding slightly emotional.

'I promise I'll see you soon' he replies kissing my forehead as he watches me get into my car and drive away giving me one last wave before we're out of sight.

Now what?

Ok fr it's like 3:50am and for some reason I'm still awake and decided to go all in on a chapter.

I really ain't thinking straight I'm so tired so please let me know if this chapters actually decent of if its just crap and needs rewriting cause honestly I have no idea.

Peace and love
-Megan x

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